Expose Zwave temperature on KNX not updated

I have 2 zwave temperature values which are sent on KNX and which is used afterwards for the heating controllers KNX MDT AKH 0800.03.
I use the expose feature to send them on KNX but they are sent only once even if the zwave temperature is changing.
I am using the following configuration:

  • Main HA in a docker where I have the KNX configuration of the entire home
  • I use a Raspberry where I connect the 2 Zwave sensors.

In the docker I see the temperature coming the RPI changing every 5 minutes.
But on KNX, I see it only once. The issue is that the MDT Heating controller go in emergency after several minutes because it doesn’t get a temperature value. It’s confirmed because as soon as I update the YAML configuration from the docker, the temperature value is sent once on KNX and then the heating controller is no more in emergency.

Any idea where it’s coming from ?

Here is the expose configuration:

  • type: temperature
    entity_id: sensor.zwave_trisensor_air_temperature
    address: “4/1/15”
    cooldown: 2

Are you sure the state of the configured sensor did change?
Have a look at HA history and compare it with Knx group monitor for that GA.

If the state doesn’t change regularly you can either

  • change that emergency setting to longer time frame / disable it
  • use an automation to send the temperature periodically instead of expose

Thanks for the answer. Yes the value is updated on the Raspberry where the zwave sensor is connected and also in the Docker where I get back the the zwave sensor value through the remote-assistant function.

How can I send through the automation a value from a sensor coming either from zwave or knx every x minute to KNX ?
Sorry I never used the automation and the KNX services.

Sorry, not sure what that is. Knx expose expects a regular entity on the HA instance it runs on.

Use the knx.send action. You’ll find how to use it in HAs documentation - also how to use automations and time based triggers.