Ext4_mb_generate_buddy: 747

I have my Hassio installed directly in Virtual Box on my Windows 10 pc and I’m getting this in the virtual box windows.

EXT4-fs (sda8): error count since last fsck: 9
EXT4-fs (sda8): initial error at time 1551781258: ext4_mb_generate_buddy:747
EXT4-fs (sda8): last error at time 1552119080: ext4_mb_generate_buddy:747
I keep seeing it it every so often in the window with the only difference being at time number.

Is this anything I should be concerned about?
It don’t seem to be having negative affect at least not that I’ve seen.


So there are more of us. I have the same error after update to 0.96. Running on Raspberry. Any Idea, or have to reinstall system?

I reinstalled in the end and moved to a dedicated box. Been perfect ever since.

Virtual Machine was not bad idea. You can always create a snapshot before update.

Finally i reinstalled it too.

I am getting this error too and it stalls my system big time. Sometime it never comes back up.
Interestingly enough I only run into this problem if I Reboot the Host system (Hass.io - System -Host System - Reboot.
If I do a shutdown and then restart the VM, it boots up no problem.

Same here issue here @Egoman @Pancer please see github reference: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/441

Same problem here.

This might be related: EXT4-fs error validating inode bitmap