I’ve been using the Eurotronic SPZB0001 TRVs for a while using zigbee2mqtt.
Now I’m looking for advice on how to combine the TRVs with an external temperature sensor to enable a better temperature adjustment for each room.
There’re some ways I could think of without knowing if they actually work:
somehow periodically upgrading the offset of the TRVs
mess around with the MQTT HVAC and/or the input_number integration to calculate the offset manually for later updating
I’ve already read through some threads in here an have seen that @prankousky and @bartplessers might have some experience with these TRVs but I don’t know If that usecase has bothered them yet?
I’m a bit lost where to start, so I’d appreciate any advice on how to get this done the most elegant and/or the easiest way.
Hey Bart,
thanks for your reply!
Unfortunately I’ll have to wait until the next holidays to get going with this issue again
I’ll let you know!
All the best!