External URL ports not working


I have a problem with the ports of my external URL. The problem is that when I try to reach Home Assistant through https://example.duckdns.org:8123 I get an error: Unable to connect to Home Assistant. But when I try to leave out the port it works fine. I use Vaultwarden (Bitwarden.rs) to manage my passwords. The problem is when I want to connect with the vault I normally use port 7277.But when I do so I cannot reach the site. Same goes for the Node Red Dashboard port. As far I now I have all my network settings right. The problems started when the router was reset but I restored all ports forwarding rules.

Am I missing something? Happy to hear a solution, thanks.

This seems to point to you forwarding port 443 to your HA box. HTTPS defaults to port 443.

I would check them again and if needed post screenshots to allow additional assistance.

I’ve looked at the settings and it looked fine to me. But perhaps you see something I don’t!

That screen says your external port 443 (default for HTTPS is being forwarded internally to 8123. (Exactly why you’re seeing the behavior.) If you want external 8123 to answer for HomeAssistant - you need to edit that config highlighted and change the external port (443) to the one you want (8123)

(basically it will look like the others in the list below it where the internal and external ports match…)

If you’re trying to access multiple programs running on different ports ideally you should use a reverse proxy. If you use a reverse proxy you only port forward two ports and everything is secure over https. The proxy then redirects everything to the right place, usually using subdomains. For example, my homeassistant is hass.example.duckdns.org . Node red is red.example.duckdns.org . No port specification is needed with a reverse proxy…

Forwarding multiple individual ports doesn’t use https and isn’t secure.

Checkout the nginx addon