F**K 1 April =)))))))))))))

Nice design, Home Assistant :smiley: I thought my display is having issues. Good one!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You can update card-mod to return to normal.


Yes, I read about :)) It was fun, really fun :smiley:

Nice!!! It is real fun! :grinning: :upside_down_face: :grinning: :upside_down_face:

When I Opened my window I thought what did they put in my Tea?!?!

really subtle joke, Put a big smile om my face.

thx :smiley:

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Could have home assistant switches to flicker all the time :)))))) WORST, I think

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Brilliant - I opted for automating fart noises throughout the house, triggered by motion, light switches, etc. Was really funny for about an hour - after which the wife started unplugging speakers. After repeated fart-induced-scares in the garage (to be fair I had the volume on that speaker up so that the Amazon delivery types would hear it), she started threatening violence. Still funny - but officially decommissioned.