I’m using the Symfonisk audio controller with HUSBZB-1 (ZHA) usb device and Hue lights and wanted to share this feedback on the new brightness_increase/decrease options in 106.
I also have Lutron Aurora dimmers and would essentially like the Symfonisk to function the same way. Two pieces of feedback:
The brightness increase/decrease speed should be adjustable. Right now it is too slow (compared to the Aurora) and it takes much more turning to achieve the same effect that I expect from a standard electrical rotary dimmer (I’m US based so maybe this is different elsewhere).
I would like an option to disable the “turn all the way left to turn it off” functionality. My use case is turning the lights on (from off state) to the dimmest possible setting, like in the morning or late at night. With the Aurora dimmer I can rotate left for a light that is off and know that it will come on at the dimmest setting. Also gives me the option to dim the light all the way, which I have to fiddle to achieve with the current automation.
Either way this is working great for me so far, happy to have this in HA! But I think these two settings would help usability.