Ffmpeg and camera components - grab still image , help needed

I have a camera that does not expose a url for grabbing a still image.
The Onvif camera component works as expected in Hassio, there’s preview cards on the home screen.

Now i’m left searching for a way to grab a still image from the camera component when the doorbell is pressed.
The image would afterwards be emailed or sent via Pushbullet.

Any ideas please ?

Try automation with camera.snapshot

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Hass.io install,
i have set :
whitelist_external_dirs: /tmp

Then i go to Developer Tools / Services , and i call camera.snapshot with :
{ "entity_id": "camera.street_lowres", "filename": "/tmp/foo.jpg" }

No errors in the log, so i suppose all is well…but where do I find foo.jpg ???