FIAT 500e (UConnect)

Has anyone managed to get any data from a Fiat 500e into home assistant ? I keep seeing something called “mopar” being mentioned ?


Mopar is a generic reference to Chrysler Corporation brands, such as Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM, etc. I believe that UConnect is/was a Chrysler Corporation thing before the Fiat-Chrysler merger. Did Fiat decide to use the technology?

A more relevant question for vehicle telematics integration these days is whether or not a vehicle uses 3G data services? With the looming sunset of 3G service around the world, many cars will lose their connectivity. Some carriers/countries in Europe already shut down their 3G stuff. Here in the USA, the shutdown is less than a month away. The BMW ConnectedDrive integration in HA will be going dark for my car when that happens… :frowning:

Fiat 500e uses 4G. I don’t find anything about APIs of mopar, uconnect, FCA… so I think this is a very tricky situation.

The only possible approach I see here would be to do some reverse engineering to the APP’s communications with its server, which is not something not easy o maybe impossible.

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The evcc integration use the fiat uconnect (web) api.

Fiat api (written in go):

May this helps…

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That looks way over my head :frowning:
Real shame, would have been nice gettings stats from the little Fiat 500e into home assistant.

Years later… Please have a look at

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Fabulous! Great job.

Installed. Connected to the Fiat. Did get some data once, still figuring out how to get updated data.

If only something like that could be made for my Polestar as well :slight_smile:

I have been playing around with this and have a few questions.

After a HA restart it takes a long time before anything (controls and sensors) becomes available again. It seems to require a manual reload of MQTT (or maybe I’m just impatient and never waited long enough yet). This makes it very painful to develop around this. I’m I missing something?

The ‘next service’ indicator shows 1/10 of km. That is a bit overdone. Also the ‘state of charge’ does not show the unit (%). I can change this with the developer tools, but that get’s overwritten. Can these two small things be fixed?

And probably nothing to do with this integration, but still. I’m trying to display the time stamps as ‘date time’, defining a new sensor in ‘configuration.yaml’ to display ‘d-m HH:MM’ but can’t figure it out. Anybody an example of how to make that work?

The car is in the workshop for 15k km :slight_smile:

hey i found your post by accident trough google :grinning: @VdR

im the author of the addon. pls try the new version 2.0.15 published a few hours ago. i added a delay between adding the sensors to home assistant and filling them with data. maybe this fix your slow loading at startup. if this does not fix it in the next version will be a customizable startup delay … maybe your mqtt broker is a bit slow to startup at reboot. shouldnt be a problem but how knows :innocent:

a mqtt restart is never necessary. you can restart the addon by hand if you do not want to wait for the normal refresh interval (15min by default).

% for battery is on my todo list. the range sensors already have units (km or mi). timestamps convert to d-m HH:MM is a good idea. unfortunately there are 178million different time formats world wide. so i would need to ask home assistant api for the correct tmezone and the local date/time format. lets see what i can do.

Good that you found it, a subscription to this thread is going to make a difference :slight_smile: Thank you for this great addon.

I will try the new version.

I agree, too many ways to show the date time. Therefore it should be done with a customized sensor in the ‘configuration.yaml’ file. But its one of these HA quirks, I can’t get it to work … I need a sample code.

you could use a template sensor or even better template card in lovelace (if you have any installed). but for next version i added a “last_updated” sensor with time format accordingly to the configured locale.

use something like this as template in the frontend:

{{ (states("sensor.car_evinfo_timestamp") | float / 1000) | round(0) | timestamp_custom("%d-%m %H:%M") }}

yes i tried it. its easy to add. when you give homeassistant a sensor with timestamp device_class it will convert it to any time format the frontend is in. tomorrow should be ready :open_mouth:

I have tried a few dozen 'something like that" entries trying to define a sensor but can’t get anything to work. Either shows as ‘unavailable’ or ‘unknown’.

Look out for the update.

I found something interesting about the location. When it shows as ‘unknown’, HA does not recognize the location, it does not mean it does not have coordinates. When the car is parked at home, a location known to HA, it shows as ‘Home B’, which a location (zone) programmed in HA.

(zoomed in for privacy)

yes thats new. are you using 2.0.15 ? before that version the sensor status was always “unknown”. now it should check if the car is inside a predefined zone radius and then use the name of the nearest zone (if more than 1 are overlapping) as status for location. if car coordinate is not in a zone the status should be “away” or a string thats set in the options.

Yes, I’m using 2.0.15. So I found your added functionality :slight_smile: . Great job on this!

Version 3! Installed 6 minutes after release. Great job, thank you.

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does the position also update itself every few minutes?
I wanted to make an automation that opens the garage for me if I enter my “HOME” area.
it is not in realtime

yes and no. the fiat api does not support realtime tracking and it does very rarly update the location. you can make an automation that refreshes the location every N minutes/seconds by calling “UpdateLocation” in your automation. but i would not recommend to update every few seconds because idk how well fiat handles so many requests and it may drain battery faster. so its too slow for opening the garage.

i had the same issue and dont use location tracking for my door opener at all. because its to inaccurate and if i drive by my house the door will open even if i dont want to enter :sweat_smile: tried to use a shelly button in the car but that had its own problems… currently im using carplay with voice command for opening.

yes i also now use carplay with voice command.
the problem is that I have 2 garages with 2 cars
and I wanted that when I give the command and the 500 arrives, garage 1 opens.
if I arrive with the BMW the garage 2 opens