FIAT 500e (UConnect)

Ok, my 500 icon will arrive in a few days. As soon as it’s home I’ll try to work on it.

Hi there.
What is the easiest way to start pre-heating/climate (lets say 20C). ?

Climate on/Off ?

You have to create sonething in shedule?

Can somebody explain it in Details?

Thank you

You can’t define the temperature. Not even from the official Fiat app. You can just „start“ it…

Hi, are there news?

And what news should that be?
It’s just working fine.

I discovered FiatChamp only last week and got it to connect to my La Prima quite easily.
I created an HA automation to charge the car up to a selectable SoC overnight in the off-peak period and it works, but …
I am finding that data from the car updates erratically, if at all, whatever FiatChamp refresh rate is selected unless I use an automation to do a periodic DeepRefresh.
The downside of that is it has the effect of draining the 12V battery over time. The FiatChamp developer does warn of this.

It’s unfortunate that the developer seems to have left things as they were in December for some reason.

Well the developer can’t influence how Fiat handles the communication so if doing deep refreshes causes the 12V battery to drain there’s nothing it can be done against it but warning about this fact.
For me, there is nothing missing in this plugin.
If you do, send the developer a feature request.

I agree that the issue of the 12Volt battery and the API of the 500e are things that are solely under Fiat’s control.
When I have a better understanding of how the FiatChamp add-on is best used with my La Prima I will post my findings here and on GitHub.

Great work with FiatChamp, wubbl0rz!

I’ve been struggling to control the charging of my La Prima for over a year. My solar system includes a GivEnergy hybrid inverter and 8.2kW domestic battery and a Zappi2 charger.

I was unable to control the car’s charging as I would wish until I realised last week that FiatChamp was available.

I’m now using FiatChamp in conjunction with myenergi and GivEnergy integrations to great effect.
I charge the car overnight up to a manually entered SoC threshold.
In the daytime, I initiate charging if the domestic battery’s SoC exceeds a high threshold and to cease charging if it drops below a second lower threshold.

There do seem to be some anomalies when using FiatChamp with my April 2021 La Prima, which I believe has all software updates up to about 6 months ago.

The drain on the car’s 12V battery when Force Refresh Battery Status is set true is a concern. To offset this effect, I tried setting the refresh interval to a high number, however FiatChamp seems to effect refreshes every 15minutes whatever number is set in its configuration.
To reduce the 12V battery drain, I have chosen to set Force Refresh Battery Status false and have my HA automations request a battery refresh just at times when the car’s SoC is needed by them.

Today, just after I’d gone for a short drive throughout which FiatChamp was reporting valid data, FiatChamp has started logging ‘Wrong Pin?’ following each BatteryRefresh attempt. The Fiat iPhone app is still working fine with my normal pin. I’ve tried everything on HA including a re-install of FiatChamp to no avail. The Fiat System must have got confused. Hopefully, it will sort itself out.

I’m finding that the car’s battery charging level is reported as Level_2 whatever is selected in the car. I’d really like FiatChamp to be able to manage the car’s charging level. Perhaps the Fiat API doesn’t permit this.

I will be getting a new Alfa Romeo Giulia soon and I’d like FiatChamp to collect both cars’ data without having to restart FiatChamp each time after changing ‘Brand’ from Fiat to Alfa Romeo and vice versa.

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good to hear that it works most of the time :grinning: i responded to your github issue yesterday.

first of all thanks for the great work, wubbl0rz!

I started to work with FiatChamp as Standalone and it seems I get information from my car:

[10:30:21 DBG] {
  "Userid": "xxxxxxx",
  "Version": 1683359236000,
  "Vehicles": [
      "RegStatus": "COMPLETED_STAGE_3",
      "Color": "NEW! METALLIC GREY",
      "Year": 2021,

unfortunately not via MQTT.

[10:30:19 INF] Mqtt connection successful

but no topics on the bus (checked with mosquitto_sub)

[10:30:25 WRN] Error connecting to Result: NotFound. Retrying in 00:00:05
[10:30:31 WRN] Error connecting to the FIAT API. 

Is the location error the cause for the missing MQTT messages?

I have created HA automations to manage 2 charging regimes:

Daytime - if the domestic storage battery’s State of Charge is above a user defined threshold, an Automation commands my charger to commence charging (so long as FiatChamp shows the car_evinfo_battery_pluginstatus to be true). Another Automation will terminate charging when the domestic storage battery’s SoC drops below a second threshold. By this means, I am preventing the storage battery getting to 100% and preventing Solar energy being fed to the Grid. (I am not paid for any energy I feed to the grid.)

Night Time - if the car’s battery SoC is below a user defined threshold, an Automation initiates charging at the start of the cheap rate period. Automations terminate charging when the SoC rises above the threshold or at the end of the cheap rate period whichever is the earlier.

I employ the FiatChamp and GivTCP addons and the Myenergi integration.

My mileage is such in sunny weather in spring, that I am able to charge the car solely from solar energy. In winter, I will have to rely more on the grid.

The 500e is prone to its 12V battery getting drained if the Refresh Battery command is issued frequently. Though issuing a Refresh Battery command when charging is in progress has no adverse effect.
Also one can get locked out of one’s Fiat Connect account for 24hours, if the API is over-used. I seem to have limited the number of API calls to a tolerable number.

Trying not to be “that guy” but the add-on seems to be happy with the information I’ve provided for my Jeep but nothing shows up in MQTT devices.

[09:40:17 INF] Now fetching new data...
[09:40:17 INF] Mqtt connection successful
[09:40:19 INF] Fetching COMPLETED. Next update in 15 minutes.
[09:55:19 INF] Now fetching new data...
[09:55:19 INF] Fetching COMPLETED. Next update in 15 minutes.

I’ve restarted FiatChamp and the Mosquito Add-Ons.
Switching FiatChamp to Debug mode didn’t seem to reveal any errors being reported, although it did reveal my password lol.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the hard work @wubbl0rz !

Edit: I tried to override the MQTT username and password to the ones configured in Mosquito broker which did not fix the issue.

Same here in a standalone version. nothing to see in MQTT

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I‘m seeing issues with this integration and MQTT. Following errors appear in the logfile:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.models
Source: components/sensor/
Integration: MQTT (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9. Juni 2023 um 21:10:14 (1976occurrences)
Last logged: 11:41:53

  • Exception raised when updating state of sensor.car_vehicleinfo_tripsinfo_trips_array_0_totalhybriddistance_value, topic: ‘homeassistant/sensor/xxx_car_vehicleInfo_tripsInfo_trips_array_0_totalHybridDistance_value/state’ with payload: b’null’
  • Exception raised when updating state of sensor.car_vehicleinfo_tripsinfo_trips_array_1_totalelectricdistance_value, topic: ‘homeassistant/sensor/xxx_car_vehicleInfo_tripsInfo_trips_array_1_totalElectricDistance_value/state’ with payload: b’null’
  • Exception raised when updating state of sensor.car_vehicleinfo_tripsinfo_trips_array_1_energyused_value, topic: ‘homeassistant/sensor/xxx_car_vehicleInfo_tripsInfo_trips_array_1_energyUsed_value/state’ with payload: b’null’
  • Exception raised when updating state of sensor.car_vehicleinfo_tripsinfo_trips_array_1_averageenergyused_value, topic: ‘homeassistant/sensor/xxx_car_vehicleInfo_tripsInfo_trips_array_1_averageEnergyUsed_value/state’ with payload: b’null’
  • Exception raised when updating state of sensor.car_vehicleinfo_tripsinfo_trips_array_1_totalhybriddistance_value, topic: ‘homeassistant/sensor/xxx_car_vehicleInfo_tripsInfo_trips_array_1_totalHybridDistance_value/state’ with payload: b’null’

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/sensor/”, line 581, in state numerical_value = int(value) ^^^^^^^^^^ ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘null’ The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/mqtt/”, line 270, in process_write_state_requests entity.async_write_ha_state() File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 590, in async_write_ha_state self._async_write_ha_state() File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 654, in _async_write_ha_state state = self._stringify_state(available) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 596, in _stringify_state if (state := self.state) is None: ^^^^^^^^^^ File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/sensor/”, line 585, in state raise ValueError( ValueError: Sensor sensor.car_vehicleinfo_tyrepressure_array_0_pressure_value has device class ‘None’, state class ‘None’ unit ‘kPa’ and suggested precision ‘None’ thus indicating it has a numeric value; however, it has the non-numeric value: ‘null’ (<class ‘str’>)

@wubbl0rz (or community): Any ideas what’s causing this and how to solve?


Seeing the same. In debug mode I see that it’s not pulling my truck info at all, the vehicles key is just blank.

  "Vehicles": []

I filed an issue on github.

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My Uconnect was due for renewal and I decided it wasn’t a necessary expense.
I have the remote start button on my fob luckily.
Maybe it’ll be fixed by the time I subscribe again.

I just got my 500e BEV and I tried building a charge limit slider for Level 2 charging to no avail. Did anyone manage to build something like that or is the Mopar API just not offering the right options to do that?

“Level” in the 500e API is unrelated to the charge level set in the car.
It is the specification of the 500e’s charging interface and is fixed.
I’d very much like to alter the car’s charging level remotely, but the API doesn’t provide for it (yet).

Also here, the add-on seems to work fine and it shows all the correct data in the debug log (except for a location error). But there’s not device or entity within MQTT. Has been 24 hours now. Any ideas how to solve this?

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