I have a fibaro heat controller with an external thermometer. I’ve set it up with the zwave climate component. But it never updates the state. neither the target temperature, the operation_mode, or anything else.
I can update by manually refreshing node, but that’s about it. Looking at this, I’ve tried setting up an automation to update, but I can’t get it to work.
Hello, first of all only update the entity, otherwise you risk overloading the node and then you do not receive anything anymore.
In Z-Wave node management I set the polling intensity to 10 of the heater, temperature and system entities.
For the thermometers you already have, you can use them but not within the climate, you have to create an automation to make them work together.
would work in an automation? Or do I need to update each sensor (e.g.: - entity_id: sensor.fibaro_system_fgt001_heat_controller_temperature)?
Do you use both an automation and setting the polling in the node management? You wouldn’t happen to have your full config online, that you could link to?
Which z-wave node entity is the heater? The only one I have that looks like a “heater” is the climate.XXX_heating that I created. But if I shouldn’t use the climate component, I’m not sure which one is the heater (I’ve got the system and temperature):
OK, back after the holidays and been able to test a bit.
I think it works. I can change from either home assistant UI (even using the climate component), or manually on the radiator, and the change shows up in the UI. Temperature is also updated.
However, I also see a huge battery drain (it fell 1% in the first week or so, and another 38% in the week or so since I set this up). It could be because I was manually refreshing the node a lot while testing? I’ll keep an eye out.
In any case, thanks! I’ll update with any relevant news.
Sorry, for digging up old topic. Yesterday I installed Fibaro Heat Controller on my heater, and addedd it to HA wia Aeotec Z-Wave 5gen. Got all bunch of components from it in HA, created climate card. I can turn it on and off (I can hear valve move), and also increase and decrease temperature (also valve moving). Of course I encountered same problem with not updated card component when I do this. I put the automation in use which looks like that now, and i got notification every time i turn on/off or change temperature, but HA is not updated. Im running HA 0.99 now.
Also I have lots of Xiaomi thermometers, can I somehow “inject” its readings into fibaro heat controller? In fact I just want to have it like that for example: If temparature in first floor is 20 degrees C, turn valve off, if its below 19 turn it on, etc.
I have the same question if I can use non-zwave temperature sensor. I tried using generic thermostat platform that allows to define sensor but it seems it doesn’t work with climate component.
By the way, when you switch operation mode of the Fibaro’s climate entity, is it changing or returns to previous state in a second?
I can turn off or turn on and I can hear valve is closing or opening, but if HA booted on “heating” it is always “heating”. If its ON and I turn it OFF, next reboot of HA will update its status to OFF, also if I refresh it from Z-Wave manage in Hassio it is also refreshed (dont know why it is not refreshed from automation). Also when moving slider of temperature in this example from 17 to 20 it stays on 20 on climate but on fibaro it is still 17. Updating entity by hand or by HA restart will update component, but not from automation.
I think this is because you are trying to update climate. with zwave.refresh_entity. It can update only zwave..
I suppose you should use homeassistant.update_entity.