Fibaro RGBW with HA and Lovelace

No I wasn’t looking / considering the bottom pic at all.
Just a quick ratio of the top one.

@4integration, did you have any chance to find a solution? Have same RGBW from Fibaro and some idea for my 4 years old son :slight_smile:

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Yes, a Colourwheel for Fibaro RGBW lights is an essential for me.

I use Domoticz currently, and a colourwheel control is standard in Domoticz, and in Fibaro’s Home Center. Not having this in HA is definitely a negative for me.

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Not really, I started to play a bit with the HA API so see if it was possible to control RGBW via API but no quick success and then other things came in between.
If possible to set the colors with API calls then I could solve my need by a separate UI for my son.
So it is still an open topic for me

@4integration did you solve the color picker issue? I remember I got it working in my first led strip. I removed it for a while and now the color picker is gone. Could be a setting in the controller I changed or HA update removed the logic for the Fibaro RGBW. It beats me…

I got it working with channel 6 and effects via channel 1

      - type: entities
          - entity: input_select.albin_rgbw
        title: Ljuseffekt
        state_color: false
      - type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
        entity: light.albin_rgbw_level_6
        effects_list: false

Via light entity card instead of embedding the device detailed card

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As the dashboard looks like right now (not fine tunded):

Complete dash:

title: Albin
  - badges: []
      - type: entities
          - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
            entity: light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_2
            name: Red (2)
          - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
            entity: light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_3
            name: Green (3)
          - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
            entity: light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_4
            name: Blue (4)
          - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
            entity: light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_5
            name: White (5)
      - type: entities
          - entity: input_select.albin_rgbw
        title: Ljuseffekt
        state_color: false
      - type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
        entity: light.albin_rgbw_level_6
        effects_list: false
      - type: entities
          - entity: light.albin_rgbw_level_6
          - entity: sensor.albin_rgbw_power_2
    path: albin
    title: Albin


Nice! Will try it out👍

@Mutt Question for you guys in regards to the Fibaro RGBW controller.
I do not have a Fibaro but trying to compare it to another brand.
For Entity 5. Master RGB light that you listed. When you look at that entity, is the “supported_color_modes” RGB or RGBW?

I’m running into a little control issue with my RGBW specific to the W color. So wondering how the Fibaro is recognized in HA.

It gives me a light, I click on the light, it opens like a standard light (if off). if on, the full colour wheel is displayed straight away. Under the wheel is a brightness slider.
This slider controls just the white component.

If you could, please turn on the RGBW controller to a color.
Then go to “Developer Tools” on the left side in HA.
Then look for the RGBW controller in the list of entities.
I’m curious if your color_mode is rgbw or just rgb


  • hs
  • rgbw
    color_mode: rgbw

I’m using a Fibaro RGBW zwave module with Z-Wave JS 0.1.35 and Core 2021.8.1.
The device has been included without problem in the zwave network and the associated entities created in Home Assistant.
The problem is that when I click on the colorwheel the color doesn’t change and I get the following error:

Error calling service light/turn_on. Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)

And this entry in the log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/zwave_js/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 20:59:36 (180 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:02:13

[1755614728] Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)
[1760528104] Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)
[1755084208] Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)
[1798926688] Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)
[1755612208] Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 185, in handle_call_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1491, in async_call
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 1526, in _execute_service
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 213, in handle_service
    await self.hass.helpers.service.entity_service_call(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 658, in entity_service_call
    future.result()  # pop exception if have
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 856, in async_request_call
    await coro
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 695, in _handle_entity_call
    await result
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/light/", line 458, in async_handle_light_on_service
    await light.async_turn_on(**filter_turn_on_params(light, params))
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/", line 262, in async_turn_on
    await self._async_set_colors(rgbw_channels, transition)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/", line 304, in _async_set_colors
    await self._async_set_color(color, value, zwave_transition)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/", line 322, in _async_set_color
    await, new_value, transition)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/zwave_js_server/model/", line 434, in async_set_value
    raise NotFoundError(
zwave_js_server.exceptions.NotFoundError: Option transitionDuration not found on value Value(value_id='25-51-0-targetColor-2') on node Node(node_id=25)

Can anyone help me to solve the problem?

Upgrade to the latest release of HA.

Thank you!
Now it works.

Not sure if it is related but got a heads up about Zwave JS that device 6 wasn’t available

I don’t have the current status since I have not yet migrated

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Just hit this as well ! Anyone know of any updates? re Device#6 missing on the Fibaro RGBW ?

I have not taken the step to migrate but thaks for letting us know about it is still an issue.
If you do some progress please post that as well

Since I upgraded HA and reinterviewed the nodes, I’m seeing the 6 devices on both versions of the Fibaro RGBW controllers.

Hi Geoff … I am tearing my hair out as I re-interviewed and only see 5 devices… just to confirm … you are able to select the police siren etc pre-built light routines?

I don’t use the built-in light routines, so I’ve not checked this. Here’s what I see in HA for the RGBW controller: