Firefox Quantum (beta v57) not allowing you to login

Also having this issue with Lastpass and Firefox. Such a shame because the new Firefox is great.

I face this issue as well. LastPass, HA 58.1, CustomUI 20170927 and FireFox Quantum. Console shows the error:

TypeError: this._meta.byKey is not a function

Error is in _updateIcon method of

I just opened a ticket at LastPass. I don’t expect too much from them but we’ll see. I’ll keep posting here information I shall receive. Stay tuned :wink:


LP just replied to my ticket. They wanted a short screen recording showing the issue which I just did. It was a bit tricky as they only allow files smaller than 5MB.


Well hope is still there :innocent: LP support just informed me my ticket has been escalated to level 2 :astonished: Let’s keep our fingers crossed !


Pck, thanks for pursuing it with LP.

+1 - thanks @pck!

If you need someone else to hit them up, let me know. I have a personal paid subscription and at work we have an enterprise subscription. :slight_smile:

Thank you guys. Hopefully I’d get some news tomorrow. I’ll let you know.
@danodemano: that could be a quite good option since I only have a free subscription. If you think it could speed up LP support process, fell free to open up a ticket.
Here is mine, currently at level 2: #6719162 : G8QIN9Q090XX for reference.

@pck - opening a ticket now under my personal account. I’ll keep the enterprise account in reserve. :smiley:

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Sure! It may be tricky to justify HA use in a corporate context :grinning:
Thank you.

Ticket has been opened: Ticket # 6757422 : R1UEKLPH2WFA if anyone else needs it for reference.

I did reference yours as well as did a steps recorder output and attached it to the ticket.

Hopefully we’ll see some resolution to this.

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That’s great. I think you did everything they expected. At least, what they asked me.

FWIW I’m being told the development team is aware of the issue and should have a fix in the next release of the extension. Their support is unable to give me an ETA though at this time. :confused: I’ll keep on them for a fix though, as they appear to be acknowledging that this is in-fact their issue.

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:ok_man: great news. Still waiting from them but I guess they will confirm.
Thanks for the update.

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Sorry for replying so late. I only received a reply from LP yesterday evening :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.
Actually no really big improvement from them. They escalated to level 3 support.


lol, they just now tried closing mine. I re-opened it stating that “this might be resolved at some point” isn’t a valid resolution. I told them the ticket is to remain open until there is an actual fix.

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Arg I’m about to scream at someone over there:


We have just checked and found out that this is a problem with Home Assistant & it looks like Home Assistant’s team is aware of this issue.

Please check the following link.

Link: TypeError: this._meta.byKey is not a function in Firefox · Issue #448 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Link: TypeError: this._meta.byKey is not a function in Firefox · Issue #448 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub


Yes the duplicate link was their doing, not mine.

And they just escalated to level 2. Lovely. Glad I’m paying them for better support. :frowning:

I got the same two days ago. I asked them to fully read the issue they pointed out.
Waiting their feedback.

Thanks danodemano and pck for fighting the good fight!