Firefox Quantum (beta v57) not allowing you to login

Yes it’s pretty clear. Thank you!

Woot!! The new release is up and the workaround for FF appears to work!

Confirmed, my HA seems to be working fine in FF with LastPass enabled! I just wish LastPass would get off their butts and fix their extension.


Yes same for me. It works.

The fix took to long.
Switched to Bitwarden in the meantime. No go back :slight_smile:

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FYI if anyone is still following this thread. I JUST got this after putting pressure on them for a resolution:

Sorry for the long wait, Dan. The issue has been fixed and should be released in the next update for Firefox (after 4.2.3). Thank you for your patience!

I’m not holding my breath. I requested notification of when that new version drops so I can test. For those keeping score, I opened my ticket on December 17th 2017. So a little over 3 months ago. :frowning:


Hi Dan
Thank you for the feedback and for your efforts.

can also be solved by preventing lastpass to autofill on the homeassistant page following these instructions

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I could have sworn I looked and googled for such a feature and didn’t see any. This would have fixed it for me in the beginning. Well good to know going forward.

For anyone still following this, just received this from LastPass:

A fix was made in the recent version of Firefox and Chrome. Please update it to 4.9.1 and let us know if it still persist.

For those keeping track at home, this resolution took just a little over 4 months. I did confirm it seems to be working as expected.

Also on a side-note @x140x1n - that did not in-fact resolve the issue. It was the very first thing I tried. The only “workaround” was to disable or remove the extension.

Thanx for the feedback @danodemano. It’s OK for me.

Suddenly today, Firefox Quantum (60.0.1) won’t display the HA UI anymore ( version 0.70.1). I have cleared the cache, restarted Firefox and even rebooted my PC. The UI is still blank. Works without issues in Chrome and on my phone. Anyone else getting this?

Sorry, spoke too soon. Now it is back again. Didn’t do anything other than loading the page once more. Strange.