Fitbit Integration Authentication Instructions?

I’m still not able to get past the authorization no matter how I try to change the url. Does anyone have this working with nabu casa?


I also have the same issue with Nabu Casa.

I have it working with Nabu Casa. I used the Nabu Casa URL in the Fitbit app registration. You have to use a URL that is https NOT http. Then when I went back to HA to finish the configuration, the plugin redirects the oauth link to your internal http URL which doesn’t work. So I copied it out of the browser, replaced the internal URL part with my Nabu Casa URL and pasted it back in the browser. I restarted HA and waited for the polling to start.

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Looks like this process gets the URLs wrong as HA always puts in your local http://IP address. For me the client ID was also wrong. So at each stage of authorization copy the URL, correct the client ID and address for HA and open the correct URL in a new tab/window. That’s what finally got it working for me.

i dont know with is the problem for me. the url its correct with the correct url redirect and the correc client id. but allways have the same error:
Developer information: invalid_request - Invalid redirect_uri parameter value


Same here, still after countless attempts.
Could anyone having a working integration please make more detailed instructions how to get this working?


@bassor Follow the instructions here:

When you restart, follow the instructions in the messages but with some key parts:

  • The callback URI needs to be your external address and you have to use https - use DuckDNS or LetsEncrypt so sort out connecting to your HA installation via https.
  • Once you have your client ID and secret the next URL generated is also wrong. Look through it and check bit after client_id= is the same as you copied before. Then check that the uri is the external address for your HA system. Correct those parts then open that corrected URL. On the page that comes up, select the first box for access to everything (seems to give errors if you choose anything else), then and you should be up and running.

Thanks for your help. Really don’t know why just cannot make this work. Tried so many times…
Starting to wonder that it has something to do with my Fitbit account, it dates back to 2012.

well, there’s the problem.

That’s when the world ended. :wink:

Sorry, JK. Carry on.

Here is how I got it to work: Link HA to Fitbit