FIXED: Ecovacs Deebot 2019 & OZMO Series - Working Library

Has anyone had luck with Ozmo U2 with HA?

Hello, is there something wrong with my template or is there a bug in HA or Ligio’s integration? Because I can’t get it to clean the desired coordinate on the map with this automation, but if I do it from the service call from developer menu, it works. Here’s my automation:

- alias: Deebot Clean Coordinate Area on Map
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.vacuum_clean_area
  condition: []
  - service: vacuum.send_command
      command: spot_area
      entity_id: vacuum.fatimah
        map: >-
          {%- if is_state('input_select.vacuum_clean_area', 'livingroom') -%}
          {%- elif is_state('input_select.vacuum_clean_area', 'bedroom') -%}
          {%- elif is_state('input_select.vacuum_clean_area', 'kitchen') -%}
          {%- elif is_state('input_select.vacuum_clean_area', 'hallway') -%}
          {%- endif -%}

So, if I do a service call like this to clean livingroom with the coordinate manually:

service: vacuum.send_command
  entity_id: vacuum.fatimah
  command: spot_area
    map: '-1878.4346,494.534,14125.0,-3886.3008'

It will work perfectly fine and clean the livingroom coordinate perfectly. But if I do it using the automation (by changing the state of input_select.vacuum_clean_area to livingroom), it’s getting all messed up. Here’s a side by side comparison of the screenshot from the mobile app using the manual service call and my automation configuration:

And it’s not only in the livingroom area, all the other coordinates are broken too if I call it from the automation. I have been fiddling with this for 2 days and I’m really out of idea now. Thanks before.

Would you give me some more information, please? I would love to do that, but I’m too new to the home assistant world. :confused:

my configuration.yaml contains:

  username: !secret ecovacs_username
  password: !secret ecovacs_password
  country: DE
  continent: EU

In the meantime, in addition to integration via configuration.yaml, I have also integrated Ecovacs via HACS. However, I can’t find out how you have integrated the individual areas in Home Assistant and specifically send the Deebot there. Or the other functions such as “pause” or “back to the dock” etc.

Hi everybody,
I have the same problem…

Logger: sucks
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sucks/
First occurred: 19:12:31 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:16:01

Ping did not reach VacBot. Will retry.

I put the deboot directory in custom_components as written by @ fishgrind and updated my configuration.yaml with

country: mx
continent: eu

Curiosly, I read that for *mx*, the continent should be *eu*
I tried too with mx and na

My model is a Deboot 500
Any suggestion ?

The latest HA Core update (2021.06) has broken this somehow. I tried adding a version to the manifest.json file (required on all integrations now), but that didn’t work.

I know this post is old - but I couldn’t agree more - even in 2021 :smiley:

Yes, it has. The component doesnt even load anymore.
In my case i had it loaded as a custom component called deebot_900 and now i get

Setup failed for deebot_900: Integration not found.

Hey everyone. Thanks for the plugin - I’ve got it working with the T8 AIVI and bumper running on the network. It’s awesome. I’ve even managed to get custom area clean using a script that injects the area number into the spot_area command. However, I’ve been searching for something more. Wonder if anyone can help?

The basic idea is that I’ve created 4 input_booleans that represent each zone I’d like to clean. Each of those are assigned to a button in the UI, which can be set to ‘on’ or ‘off’. With the help of Discord, I’ve made a script that triggers a clean, but weirdly, the vacuum moves about 1m away from the dock and goes nowhere.

I wonder, do you know what kind of params the spot_area command expects?

Anyone able to lend a hand? See code below…

alias: vacuum_start
  params: >
    {% set room_map = {"input_boolean.bump_hallway": "1,2",
    "input_boolean.bump_kitchen": "0", "input_boolean.bump_utility": "6",
    "input_boolean.bump_lounge": "4"} %}  {%- set ns=namespace(rooms=[]) -%} {%-
    for room in room_map -%}
      {%- set ns.rooms = ns.rooms + ([room_map[room]] if is_state(room, 'on') else []) -%}
    {%- endfor -%} {{ ns.rooms|join(",") }}
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: '{{ params|length > 0 }}'
          - service: browser_mod.toast
              message: '{{ params ~ " running" }}'
          - service: logbook.log
              name: Room Params
              message: 'Areas cleaned: {{ params }}'
              entity_id: vacuum.bump2
          - service: vacuum.send_command
            entity_id: vacuum.bump2
              command: spot_area
                rooms: '{{ params }}'
                cleanings: 1
      - service: browser_mod.toast
          message: '{{ params ~ " not running" }}'
mode: single
icon: mdi:robot-vacuum

Is this component still maintained?

Same here, broken since the HA update… And no alternative for the OZMO 905 :frowning:

Mines also not working. Had to revert back to core-2021.6.5.

Same here “Error while setting up deebot platform for vacuum”

also getting this problem. and rolling back HA core didn’t fix it. problem persists even on 2021.5.5

Just letting you guys now that I my Deebot 600 also stopped working with a recent update of HA.
It’s working now with this integration GitHub - Ligio/hacc-ozmo: Home Assistant Custom Component for Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 900

I had the same issue with my Deebot 901/900 (non-ozmo). Turns out there’s a new-ish requirement for custom components in Home Assistant to have a version tag in the manifest.json file. Make sure you have the latest version of files from Ligio’s Github. Add them to the config > custom_components > deebot folder, replacing what you already have there. Then remove the deebot entry from your configuration.yaml and restart HA. Add the deebot entry back to configuration.yaml then run the check config process agian. You shouldn’t have errors anymore and once you restart again you should be good to go!

This hasn’t worked for me. Anybody else have any luck here?

Hi, seems that ecovacs has a new server. Maybe this is the reason…

Hello I’m having trouble with displaying sensor values on this custom card. I’ve installed this component via HACS and have enabled all the sensors of the vacuum. When I open the developer tools I see that they have values

but when I add it to the card attributes:

nothing seems to be displaying. If I add a simple sensor card for the brush for example it shows correct values. What seems to be the problem ?

hi, good afternoon.
I’m pretty new to Home Assistant, and home automation in general.
I have got a deebot t8 integrated and running fine, everything works.
I have the live map all the sensors appear to work.
everything works except for maybe two things.

  1. i cant seem to get a camera feed on home assistant
  2. its not creating the livemappath file at config /www/’

This might be misunderstanding on my part, but I am under the assumption that we can stream a camera feed to homeassistant.
also can someone explain to me the difference between:
(in lovelace) ------------ Deebot_live_map &
(in config.yaml) -------- deebot_liveMap

I get two error logs:

Source: components/generic/
Integration: generic (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:41:25 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:41:25 PM

Error getting new camera image from Deebot_live_map: [SSL:
WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1129)

–Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 12:12:00 PM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:12:00 PM

Template warning: ‘as_timestamp’ got invalid input ‘unavailable’ when rendering
template ‘{{sensor == ‘none’ or as_timestamp(states(sensor)) != None}}’ but no
default was specified. Currently ‘as_timestamp’ will return ‘None’, however this
template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2021.12

That last log, I think is unrelated.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi, you can show the map in homeassistant. I dont have a specific camera setup in my config.yaml. I use a simple picture-entity card and use the sensor from the vacuum:

Copy to clipboard

type: picture-entity
entity: camera.YourVacuumName_livemap

Or you can add it through the lovelace ui. If you want to add the live map beneath the vacuum status etc, you can create a vertical stack card with. I use the 950 Ozmo

Hello guys!
I just wanted to share how I was able to integrate my DEEBOT 900 to Home Assistant on Nov. 21.

At first I tried of course the official Ecovacs Integration. I followed their instruction and i was able to add my Deebot to Home Assistant, but i couldnt connect to it neither controll it. I just got errors.
Next I tried this Deebot Integration “GitHub - And3rsL/Deebot-for-Home-Assistant: Vacuum component for Ecovacs Deebot Vacuums”. So i followed the instruction as well, my Deebot was added to HA, but i couldnt connect to it - this time even without an error message.
So next i tried the Integration from Ligio: GitHub - Ligio/hacc-ozmo: Home Assistant Custom Component for Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 900 But it wasnt working - i couldnt even see the entity.
I tried several things like other configs, other files, etc…
But in the forums everyone was saying that Ligio’s Integration was working fine for them.
So last try: I deinstalled the Deebot Integration from And3rsL in Hacs, I deleted the Deebot and Ecovacs entries from the config Files and I deleted the Deebot folder in custom components.
I even deleted the whole vaccuum entity.

Next I just installed Ligios’s Integration, restared HA and IT WAS FINALLY WORKING.
So you just have the hacc-ozmo Integration to be installed and nothing else otherwise it isnt working.

Your deebot entry in the config file needs to look like this if you want to have all the features:

  username: ********
  password: ********
  country: **
  continent: **
  - start
  - pause
  - stop
  - return_home
  - fan_speed
  - battery
  - status
  - send_command
  - locate
  - clean_spot
  - turn_on
  - turn_off

Now i could install the Lovelace Vacuum Card and i can finally controll my Deebot 900.


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