Flexit Nordic (BACnet) - Roadmap & ideas


Thank you so much for releasing this integration, it has been on my wishlist for years.

Whenever I use the kitchen hood, I also turn on fireplace mode on my flexit to make sure I got extra air coming in, that can be extracted in the kitchen. It would be nice if that mode could be set from Home Assistant. Then I could have a manual button or sensor to control the ventilation, instead of having to manually change it on the control panel like today.

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Great integration, and is working very well in my home, together with both HA and BeoLiving Intelligence. If possible the most correct is to have the user to choose either a internal sensor or external sensor as Ā«room temperatureĀ». In my instance the flexit room temperature is taken from the flexit panel that is mounted in my outdoor technical room, where there is no ventilation. So if I could choose another exisiting sensor I have in my house or an other sensor on the flexit that would make this more correct.

This looks great to me. I imagine the set points available will be restricted based on the other setpoints. Home cannot have a lower speed that Away, Boost cannot be lower than home, etc? At least it is this way in the flexit go app, but Iā€™m not sure whether the restriction is made by the app or by the device itself.

I have not updated the description of my CO2 PID controller because I have been tuning the PID controller for a while. Itā€™s about there now. The nice thing about it even without direct control of the fan speed is that when we leave the house it will automatically drop down to away mode as the CO2 level falls.

I think when your new controls are available in a release, I will first try regulating the speed of the ā€œHomeā€ fan preset to control the CO2 levels, and keep it between away, and boost levels, and then have some automation to fall back to away preset without any controller when the CO2 drops to the lowest level.

Hi, I just came across this lovelace card for ventilation systems:

I am not sure how mature it is (havenā€™t got it to work with my Flexit yet actually :frowning: and probably have to wait for the latest flexit-bacnet updates to be released anyway), but I like the idea. Maybe some changes are needed though?

@jeremyc this is gold! @lellky when can we get that added to HA officially? :wink:

That would be really nice indeed :slight_smile:

Thing is, it has been a lot of work to come this far (new features will be released in next major release). After that I would like to go back to the drawing table and discuss presets, bump of flexit_bacnet and enable/disable active/inactive sensors.

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Dear all, with the latest release we see the additional controls and status entities. This is great but I have only just started to look at them. With 2024.3.1 the Google cast integration was broken so I had to backtrack until 2024.3.2 came out earlier today. I will try to work on the node red CO2 PID control in the coming days/weeks.

I now have this third party visualisation working from HACS - heres my live view as of now:

Its a bit messy still as it needs attributes setting that we donā€™t have with flexit (bypass mode and summer mode) and I had to check the browser developer console (f12) for errors until I got it right.

Iā€™ll keep you posted.


I have a fairly new CL4 unit, with a humidity sensor built in.
I donā€™t see this value in HA, but Im not sure if that is a feature request or a bug.

This PR confuses me if its removed or not??

Some updates have been made to this hacs integration

and it now works well with a flexit device. I sent the developer a PR with some improvements to the documentation and these have been incorporated.


Thank you for the fantastic and easy integration. Iā€™m a newbe in HA and automation, so it would bee nice that new features has been updated in the first post. After the lates update in HA I have a lot off more sensors/entities.
I have Flexit Nordic model nr: POS3.67
Eks- In my integration, I only see Home, Away and Boost, not fireplace and kitchen hood mode. Should I?
Eks2 I have wireless humidity sensors built in my Flexit, and i see values in Flexit app, but not in the HA integrations, I would love having this sensors in HA.

Maybe I find this info another place, and then Iā€™m sorry for this. Thanks again, for this fantastic integration.

Thank you for this fantastic integration.

One addition I would find really useful, and which is not on the list above, is support for free cooling / night cooling. Specifically, the parameters (original names exported from my unit):

  • Free cooling, d B3-setpoint start
  • Outside air temp.limit
  • Free cooling, d B4-setpoint
  • Free cooling, dT B3-B4 start
  • Free cooling, dT B3-B4 stop
  • Free cooling, setpoint room
  • Enable free cooling

Btw, has anybody managed to get free cooling to work in a Flexit Nordic unit? I have enabled it on my S4 unit (extended the code at GitHub - piotrbulinski/flexit_bacnet: Client BACnet library for Flexit Nordic series of air handling units. with missing setttings, adjusted the values according to the documentation, and then verified that they were being set properly), but it doesnā€™t seem to have any effect. The temperature indoors remains high all the time despite the temperature outdoors dropping in the evenings.

I would also love to see this feature!
I have free cooling working on a CL3 with the following settings in ā€˜Additional functionsā€™ in the Go app:
Free cooling enabled: Yes
Outside temp limit: 10 Ā°C
Min on time: 600 s
DT B3-B4 enable start: 2.0 K
DT B3-B4 disable: 0.5 K

I think this was enough to get it working, but at the moment I have also changed the temperature control (through the menu Installer > Configure functionality > Temperature control ventilation) to control using ā€˜Extract air cascade controlā€™ so that I can set the desired extract temperature rather than supply temperature, thus is doesnā€™t cool if the inside temperature falls below my set temperature.

Hope this helps.

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When I trigger Boost mode from the external control panel on my Flexit Nordic S4, it triggers it as a temporary Boost mode (combination of Boost mode and a timer) - the Boost mode automatically ends when the timer reaches 0. I can end the temporary Boost mode from the external control panel, but not from Home Assistant. If ā€œHomeā€ mode is selected in HA while the unit is in temporary Boost mode, the unit just continues the temporary Boost mode (probably because the timer is active).

The other way around, I canā€™t start a temporary Boost mode from Home Assistant. I can of course start Boost mode without a timer (and end it again from Home Assistant), but it would be cool if the unit itself could end Boost mode after the preset time (in case the network connection fails, so ending it from HA fails).

Thus, my suggestion for further development of the BACnet integration is to enable starting and stopping of the temporary Boost mode from HA. (I think the same applies to the Fireplace mode, although I donā€™t use that much.)

Same as the previous comment, boost temporary would be a great addition. I saw some reference to it in the flexit_bacnet library, along with fireplace mode, but donā€™t know if it is fully implemented.

Earlier I used the integration made by Sindre Broch. I have a node red flow made for ā€œFireplaceā€ Because in winter it is impossible to light the fire without using mode ā€œFireplaceā€ In this integration ā€œFireplaceā€ isnt allowed as a preset mode :frowning: I also miss the temporary boost, but fixed that in my node red flow, so the flow is taking care of the timer. But it is critical for me to get access to the fireplace preset. I will also like to mention that my HA logs are reporting errors on the integration.

EDIT: @piotrbulinski @lellky Is it in your intention to add fireplace and maybe also temp.boost? If not I would have to reinstall Sindres integration, even though it is not local and it does not update instant. This BACnet integration is much better, but missing the preset Fireplace is a showstopper.

Yes, it is my intention since I would also use fireplace mode.

The hard thing for me to understand though is the difference between mode and preset for HVAC units. Need to read up on documentation.

Btw, I just got back from vacation and one of my kids starts school this week. I will probably look into this when the summer is over :slight_smile:

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You know I am a teacher (mest elektriker, men ogsƄ smarthus og litt programmering). I then have a lot of time fiddling with this during the summers, but less when school starts. But I will be happy when this works, because then my wife will be happy.

Happy wife, happy life.

I have an idea. You should make your students program the flexit integration! :wink:

Well, they are only 16 and its their first year, and I do only know a little c+, if I had have more knowledge on how to I would for sure have contributed. But as an formar electrician my programming skills are not what I would have loved them to be. Br Freddy.