I am currently new to Home Assistant which I have just done a clean installation on a Raspberry with Jessie. Your advice on how to further proceed will be highly appreciated:
I notice that the Home Assistant directory does not contain a “www/custom_ui”. Do I have to create this directory to insert the floorplan subdirectory and its required files?
Do I replace the “/local” in “/local/custom_ui/floorplan/floorplan.svg” with the actual path of “/var/opt/home_assistant”? and similarly for “/local/custom_ui/floorplan/floorplan.css”?
Do I need to load any files/dependencies other than “Floorplan” files from this repo to get it to work?
@pkozul Would it be possible to have tabs on the top of the panel, the same as the States panel, so I can have a tab for every floor? Does HASS support this? And could you point me in the right direction? Not at home in the HASS front end…
I am struggling to get floorpan to work and have been trying for the last 2 days without success. I am new to Home Assistant and have done a clean installation of Hassbian on a Raspberry.
Do I copy the files of the repo into the “/srv/homeassistant/” or “/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant” directories?
There are no “www” directories. Do I create the same directory structure as the repo?
Could anyone please provide me with a basic configuration.yaml, floorplan.svg, floorpan.css, files etc. with some instructions on what directories needs to be created and where these files needs to be placed. I would truly appreciate any assistance. It is not out of laziness, I have tried to follow the instructions on GitHub and have not been successful.
When browsing I am using Safari version 9.0.3
I am sure that if I can get a minimalist setup working and be able to view the svg file, I could take it further.
My setup is with “Option 2: Floorplan custom panel”. I hope the next figure will answer your questions 1 and 2. It is the directory tree of folders and files of this component:
As you can see, three files are in the last folder (floorplan) and examples for these can be found in the Github’s repository that you can download.
The file floorplan.yaml should be placed in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant directory. There is also an example in github. For the custom panel it is also needed a file in its corresponding folder as you can see here:
And again there is an example file in github.
Finally, the part inside configuration.yaml
I hope I have remembered everything. I don’t know for the “Custom State Card” option, but for the “Custom panel” it is pretty easy. Good luck and ask if you get stuck!