Floureon / Beok (and other Broadlink based) thermostat component

@algirdasc: great plugin! Thanks. I have one issue however: as long as the thermostat are online all works fine. As soon as one thermostat goes offline (e.g. no power) home assistant starts to hang every 50seconds for about 10 seconds. Logs show no error. Can you please have a look into this? Thank you.

Thats strange. I’ll try to look up into this.

Can you have a look at my issues please? i

ogger: custom_components.floureon
Source: custom_components/floureon/__init__.py:63
Integration: floureon (documentation)
First occurred: 9:31:09 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:31:09 AM

Thermostat read_status error: ('hysen_response_error', 'CRC check on response failed')

Sometimes I’m also getting these messages, but I didn’t payed much attention since thermostat working fine. I’ll try to find a fix for this error on the next update.

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Please update component from github repository.

if I want to update the procedure is.
stop ha
copy from github the following files in my custom components
and start HA.
Is that right?


I think you must copy them to custom_components/floureon/

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As requested, I’m archived my github repository (because it contained two components) and created a new, separate, one. So from now on you can download this component using HACS. It might take some time to include it in default repository, so for impatient ones, you could add it manually:


Should we delete the original component in order to install it through HACS or we can proceed as is?

I did not tested that part - I just deleted and downloaded component via HACS.

Thought I’d share my experience for anyone wanting to try this.

I had a non-wifi thermostat on my electric underfloor heating. (this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Heatmiser-PRT-Electric-Underfloor-Thermostat/dp/B000S0I2DY)

Worked perfectly well, but was manual. After reading this thread I bought this model from AliExpress for £32.

It arrived yesterday. I replaced the old thermostat (the connections were identical). Downloaded the mobile app and follwed the instructions to get the thermostat connected to wifi
Got the mac address of the thermostat from the app
Got the ip address of the thermostat from my router

Installed on the software in this thread via HACs. As per the github page https://github.com/algirdasc/hass-floureon
I added the switch config to configuration.yaml
Hey presto, it all works.

Thanks @algirdasc!



Hi. I also bought fan coil thermostat (TDS23-AC) assuming it will work with HA. But it doesn’t work as its supposed to. I want to ask you if you found any ways to integrate this type of thermostat? Thanks in advance


I’m using newest version of HA (ver. 0.115.2) installed on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (32-bit image). I just integrated 14 pieces of Chinesse Beok Wi-fi thermostats TGT70WIFI-EP ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32969182653.html ) via HACS floureon component. All 14 thermostats are configured in configuration.yaml as climate in following style:


  • platform: floureon
    name: Thermostat1
    mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    use_external_temp: false
  • platform: floureon
    name: Thermostat2
    mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    use_external_temp: false

… and so on to Thermostat14

I’m using dual electrical tariff from my electricity provider. It means when applies low tariff, every thermostat is ON and HomeAssistang works flawlessly, but when applies high tariff -> electric contractor will disconnect all thesmostats from the power (during this period they are completely OFF) and this raises problem on HomeAssistant webinterface - suddenly it’s extremely slow and timeouting - it’s impossible to work with it.
As soon as low tariff period comes again and contractor will restore power to thermostats -> everything on HomeAssistant webinterface comes to normal and it runs smoothly again.

Does anyone clue how to solve this problem ? Maybe to set some timeout period for thermostats ?

Thanks in advance.

I’ll try to reproduce problem and hopefully find cure for this problem

I just updated the component through HACS (0.116.2) and I got the following message in logs

What should I do?

` Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: custom_components.floureon.climate
Source: custom_components/floureon/climate.py:76
Integration: floureon ([documentation](https://github.com/algirdasc/hass-floureon), [issues](https://github.com/algirdasc/hass-floureon/issues))
First occurred: 8:36:55 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:36:55 PM

mac option is deprecated. It will be removed in future releases. Please modify your config accordingly.`

I suspect you have the MAC address in the config file, try removing it (make a note of it incase you need to add it back in) and seeing if the error/warning still happens

off course I do, but the examples still have the mac address too.
I will try later to remove it, but I would prefer an “official” guidance I suppose :slight_smile:

After broadlink lib update to 0.15.0, there is no need to provide MAC anymore. It is more like a warning, than actual error. If everything is working as expected you could delete (or comment) MAC option.


I’ve added one Beok 313 and everything works fine with the climate component. But when i try to add multiple thermostats, I only see the last one added to config.
Am I doing smth wrong?
This is my config:

  platform: floureon
  name: therm1
  use_external_temp: false
  platform: floureon
  name: therm2
  use_external_temp: false 


I think if your using a list of items you need to use a - so it gets read as a list.

  - platform: floureon
    mac: '24:DF:A7:xx:8C:01'
    name: Beok_Thermostat _1
    use_external_temp: false
  - platform: floureon
    mac: '24:DF:A7:xx:8C:02' 
    name: Beok_Thermostat_2
    use_external_temp: false
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