For those that have a Tesla Car & HA integration or similar

There is nothing special I’m doing in the automation; simply triggering when the state of the device tracker changes to home. However I’m not using the device tracker the integration provides; instead I am using Teslamate and using the device tracker device that is created from the info that Teslamate publishes to MQTT.

I HAD an automation that opened the charger latch when my garage (MyQ) door opened. That stopped working when MyQ changed its API.( I am not willing to pay the ridiculous amount that MyQ now asks for access to the API).
Then I created an automation to open the latch when my Tesla location was at home and the car in parked. That stopped working when the Tesla Integration no longer accepted commands.
I also had an automation to limit the charging rate to 20 amps. I have a private garage in my condo building but the electrical power coming to the garage is max 30 amps. The breaker is elsewhere in the building.
I look forward to the 2024.9 upgrade which hopefully will allow to send commands .

That is the plan. Also you could use the Tessie integration which allows commands.

too expensive unfortunately

Then you’ll have to wait I guess :grin: or use the Alan Tse custom integration.

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I guess that is the complicated setup… I am not techie enough for that. I’ll patiently waiting for the upgrade

Thanks for replying. I have not tried teslamate. Does it update the location instantly? Do I have to pay for it?

It is a docker container (actually several containers) you have to run; it queries Tesla’s servers and collects a whole bunch of info about your car and what it is doing at that moment. And gives you lots of dashboards in Grafana to look at all the data. It is free.

When the car is moving it updates every few seconds with a latency of a few seconds as well. When I pull up to my garage I have to wait about 5 seconds before it opens. You could combat this with a larger home zone or a second zone that is on the way to your garage.

I would say it is a lot of software to run if all you care about is car location.

I had my automation triggered by the device tracker from the HA integration at one point and I don’t recall the update rate being bad. I had a few instances of my car jumping home for a few seconds while I was miles away, and that’s why I switched. I already had the Teslamate device tracker anyway.

I managed to make automation with location on the tesla integration work. I wrote automation, to update polling interval to 10 seconds when connected to bluetooth. I had to add the VIN number for it to work. Now it is updating every 10-20 seconds which is good enough. When I get off the car (no user present) polling goes back to default 11 minutes. So, the gate is so far reliably opening when the car is near. Like I said, this is all I wanted so am not bothering with Teslamate for now. I do not want too many services polling the car.

Interesting. I am not familiar with Docker.
I am going to wait for the 2024.9 update of the new Tesla Integration and see of that addresses (most of) my needs. If not, I may delve into Docker.

Can we just clarify please what integration you are using?

HA’s teslafleet Tesla Fleet - Home Assistant

or the alan tse custom GitHub - alandtse/tesla: Tesla custom integration for Home Assistant. This requires a refresh token be generated by third-party apps to login.

or HA’s tessie Tessie - Home Assistant

I am using this with HTTP proxy. AFAIK this is the only working integration which can control the car, ie. not just viewing the sensors

Tessie can control the Tesla.

Tessie also here, worth the money