Formatting error?

I had this working and started adding another snippet of code and messed something up. Looking for another set of eyes. Only thing I thought I did here was change the pin numbers but I am getting an error on the first platform with no info, just a tilde on the -. Can someone see what I am missing?

   - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO14
      inverted: False
    name: ph_up
    id: ph_up_pn2222_base
    - delay: 4000ms
    - switch.turn_off: ph_up_pn2222_base
    - logger.log: "1Tsp Fill PH UP"
   - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO12
      inverted: False
    name: ph_down
    id: ph_down_pn2222_base
    - delay: 4000ms
    - switch.turn_off: ph_down_pn2222_base
    - logger.log: "1Tsp Fill PH DOWN"
   - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO2
    name: led_pin
    id: led_pinz 

Check the spacing. Looks like the “- platform” statements are indented one space to many

should there be a space at all? only one in there

I think autocorrect got Robert - he meant “indented” not independent.

Remove one space character from the beginning of the - platform: lines.

thanks. i had tried that earlier, tried again and no dice. wonder if i have a hidden character. i will retype it tomorrow.

You’re correct!

Original post edited.

I see three spaces. Should be two

guess i was staring at it too much yesterday. got it, thanks!