Friendly name for zones

Hi, y’all! I’ve seen this related post (Change friendly name on zone.home). But it didn’t quite help me. This is how I have my office’s zone defined, beign DIG the name of the place:

  - name: DIG
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:briefcase
    latitude: xxx
    longitude: yyy

This would mean that if I change jobs, all the related stuff and automations will be broken. I’m wondering if there’s a way to treat the zone more like an object or an entity, so I could change the location and the friendly name of the zone and everything should still work

  - name: jorges_office
    friendy_name: Allianz
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:briefcase
    latitude: aaa
    longitude: bbb

Any hint is appreciated! Thanks!

You could change latitude and longitude instead and not the name.

Yes, of course. That’s my plan B. But then I’d have to show “Jorge’s office” instead of “DIG”. Then for example if a card would show up like:
Jorge -------> Jorge’s Office

where I’d rather to see:
Jorge -------> DIG

configure it as

  - name: jorges_office
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:briefcase
    latitude: aaa
    longitude: bbb

Then in customize

  friendy_name: Allianz