Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Ok thanks I will play around

I should have always been in frame, I was working on the garden and moving around and my phone kept going off, I tried silent a few times but then gave up and turned the automation off.

Keen to investigate this. The way the silence function works is it should disable the automation for the set minutes then reenable itself. it does not stop the current event notifications so there is potential that you staying in frame could go on for a long time despite the automation being disabled. If you left frame at any point though a new event would have been created in frigate indicating so.

I’ve tested the silence function in the past by setting the timer to 1 minute and watching the automation disable and reenable itself, but that doesn’t mean there’s now not something broken with it.

Found the issue. Two lines are reversed in the blueprint.

If you click on the action button 3 dropdown you will see “Silence New Notifications” listed twice. Selecting anything else will then make one of them disappear, revealing the working one.

I’ll fix it tonight.

ahh nice :slight_smile: glad it was an easy fix… I was going to test tonight but saved me the hassle :slight_smile:
whilst your at it, I found a typo in the description, 3rd action button description says second.

Also it seems like silence option can only be selected on the 3rd action but not for 1st or 2nd.

Cheers, fixed that too. Just can’t upload to github til i get home.

correct. it requires an extra if statement i haven’t implemented on the others yet. i didn’t think it was too restrictive to only have it on the last button but if you have a preference let me know.

@petro my bad, I thought I posted it in the frigate mega thread

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Then why did you post it in frigate notifications blueprint in the first place?

@SgtBatten, is there any way to make the 3rd action button optional? Everything I need to do can be done with the two buttons. The 3rd makes the wording on the other two truncated.

Tried this script and it replaced the contents of Stable.yaml and Beta.yaml with “Error 404” as the only thing in the yaml files. Had to redownload again.

Set both the text and url of any action button to empty strings in yaml editing mode. This will disable it and effectively gives you one less button.

E.g url_3: "" and button_3: ""

Awww, didn’t think about yaml mode. Thank you!

No worries mate.

Do I place it under the input: tag or is it even indented?

Yes indented the same as any other input.

If you are unsure, select anything other than the default for that option in UI mode and it will appear in the yaml, indented correctly for you. Just replace the text with “”


I share it before, you mean this correct?

Thank you

Maybe I misunderstood. Are you saying no-one is home and it is an internal cam do there no reason for it to be triggering on its own, but you want to test if it would work?

Yes no one home and i want test it if wotk or not (:

Understood. You need to publish an MQTT message in the frigate/events topic that looks like this.

Change the camera name to room_01 in both before and after sections, and change the type at the top to “new”

Where I find frigate/events in home assistant?
In automation?

  "type": "new", // new, update, end
  "before": {
    "id": "1607123955.475377-mxklsc",
    "camera": "room_01",
    "frame_time": 1607123961.837752,
    "snapshot_time": 1607123961.837752,
    "label": "person",
    "sub_label": null,
    "top_score": 0.958984375,
    "false_positive": false,
    "start_time": 1607123955.475377,
    "end_time": null,
    "score": 0.7890625,
    "box": [424, 500, 536, 712],
    "area": 23744,
    "ratio": 2.113207,
    "region": [264, 450, 667, 853],
    "current_zones": ["driveway"],
    "entered_zones": ["yard", "driveway"],
    "thumbnail": null,
    "has_snapshot": false,
    "has_clip": false,
    "stationary": false, // whether or not the object is considered stationary
    "motionless_count": 0, // number of frames the object has been motionless
    "position_changes": 2 // number of times the object has moved from a stationary position
  "after": {
    "id": "1607123955.475377-mxklsc",
    "camera": "room_01",
    "frame_time": 1607123962.082975,
    "snapshot_time": 1607123961.837752,
    "label": "person",
    "sub_label": null,
    "top_score": 0.958984375,
    "false_positive": false,
    "start_time": 1607123955.475377,
    "end_time": null,
    "score": 0.87890625,
    "box": [432, 496, 544, 854],
    "area": 40096,
    "ratio": 1.251397,
    "region": [218, 440, 693, 915],
    "current_zones": ["yard", "driveway"],
    "entered_zones": ["yard", "driveway"],
    "thumbnail": null,
    "has_snapshot": false,
    "has_clip": false,
    "stationary": false, // whether or not the object is considered stationary
    "motionless_count": 0, // number of frames the object has been motionless
    "position_changes": 2 // number of times the object has changed position

Like this ?

You need a program that can publish mqtt messages. Mqtt explorer is an add-on you might be able to use.