Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Yes. It works most of the time.

edit: yay, cake day for me!

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this is the Frigate Notifications (

this is my automation that give me the snampshot

title: “Source: {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["camera"]}}”
message: A {{trigger.payload_json[“after”][“label”]}} was detected.
image: >-{{trigger.payload_json[“after”][“camera”]}}/person/best.jpg
clickAction: /lovelace/frigate
color: “#2DF56D”
ttl: 0
priority: high
channel: motion
importance: high
vibrationPattern: 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100
ledColor: red

They aren’t invalid, they are just presets to make selecting easier. You can write your own url if you prefer something else

Probably my fault, let me try one more time.
I want to use it and I’m good with the configuration, the automation runs, but I can’t see the picture on the notification and if I click on the action button I can’t open the link
I checked the trace and the url seems correct
But if I try to open the URL it seems that it doesn’t exist, I don’t understand how to troubleshoot it

I use the current stable version.

Sometimes I get this empty message - strangely only with cats.
Does anyone have an idea why this is so?

I’m also getting 404s on every notification regardless of whether I select Thumbnail, Snapshot or Snapshot with bounding box. I’ve tried the Stable, Beta and 0.14 pull request version. All the same.

Will post some traces/config tonight.

Not sure why, but I get empty messages sometimes too. When I look in Frigate, there is no event at that time.

Although I think I mentioned it on in this thread, just can’t remember the answer. :man_facepalming:

Sound alike the frigate integration is not setup properly.

Can you access videos and events normally using the http API from the frigate docs? Guessing not.

Same as above. Something outside the blueprint is not configured properly.

Frigate 0.14 should resolve ghost events

Got no ghost Events 
 in frigate Snapshot and Video is available.

Thats the Integration 
. should work 

With „old“ Like 12.0.2 BP , Never get such messages 

I was replying to Dave who does have them.

Only thing I can think of is to add an initial delay. Your phone might be trying to download the image before it exists

I’m not sure what it could be. The integration points to port 5000 on the machine I’m running Frigate. It detects all the cameras, sensors, switches etc and brings them into HA.

Here is my Frigate conf.
Here is a trace using the 0.14 version of the Blueprint.

No, I can’t access the snapshot URL directly. But if I tap and hold the notification, a live stream loads in the iOS notification.

My HA external URL is set manually in YAML and it’s correct to the nginx proxy in front of my HA.

I’m in the same situation, where the event/snapshot etc exists in Frigate. I can see them under the device in HA or in the Frigate UI.

You can try with other event IDs also but you need to be able to access this url once you complete it


Yes, I can access the thumbnail. But here is what the notification looks like. FYI my blueprint is set to “Snapshot with bounding box” and not Thumbnail.

I’ve just tested again with the same result. When I tap and hold then tap “View Clip” I get the error

{“message”: “Event not found”, “success”: false}

It then downloads a 46kb clip.mp4 file which doesn’t open.

The URL is https://HA_URL/api/frigate/notifications/1724764042.629519-wtz660/driveway/clip.mp4?external_auth=0

The following does work for the same alert. https://HA_URL/api/frigate/notifications/1724764042.629519-wtz660/thumbnail.jpg

Ok , will give a try 

[EDIT2] I just had to completely remove old phone from integration etc. Everything works.

How/what do I debug, if I don’t get notified?
[EDIT]: Actually this:
Do I need to setup something else?

Or how do I understand traces in general?

(Not sure if just screenshot of traces is enough to give info)


I checked, this is what I see in the trace

thumb_path: /media/frigate/clips/review/thumb-camera1-1724778537.821825-f96xkg.webp

and I see the file on disk

then when I check the URL


I get the error

do you know where is the map between the API/FRIGATE and the path on disk?

this is my mounting point

  - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  - ./config:/config
  - /mnt/wwn-0x5002538e00000000-part1:/media

Use the home assistant base url, not frigate