Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

In the first trace, one/more of the 4 conditions were not met, so it does not proceed with the elements straight down but bypasses them to the right.

You can click the square icon immediately below the highlighted arrow icon to see the test results.

It appears this trace never sent any notification (conditions remained unmet for the duration of the event).

in the second trace the conditions were all met so it proceeded with the initial notification, then it looks like there were no reasons to provide an update so the loop (off screen) never gave a follow up notification. the initial notification should have contained an image regardless.

First, thank you very much for your hard work. My problem is that when I click on a notification on my iPads, HA tries to open, but crashes. Clicking on the same notification on my iPhone and I get the video. Is this to be expected currently? Running current beta version and new Frigate.


Hoping you guys can help me get this working. I currently have frigate running in its own VM, connected to Home Assistant. I have the frigate integration installed and the correct boxes ticked. It seems that mqtt is working correctly, as I can see all entities per device and when I listen for the frigate/events topic, I can see message.

All that being said, I cannot get this automation to work. My traces just say “Choose: No Action Taken” … this is when trying to run manually or when an event takes place in Frigate.

Here is the blueprint config, I am happy to post anything else. Appreciate the hard work on this and any help you can offer!

id: '1681238481286'
alias: Frigate - Test
description: ''
  path: SgtBatten/frigate_0.11_notification.yaml
    tv_transparency: 0%
    camera: camera.front_2
    notify_device: a60ec343b8145eadae1d551d695ee3fd
    tv_size: large
    tv_position: center
    debug: true

Thank you very much! It’s working fine. It may be worth asking OP to link this version to the my integration button.

@bppage FYI you can’t run it manually like that, it needs mqtt info

Only thing I can see so far is the camera name. In your frigate config is it called front_2 or just front?

If that’s the issue it’s often caused when reinstalling the integration. Uninstall it, restart HA. Check that the old entities are deleted. Then reinstall the integration. Alternatively you can go in to each entity and rename the entity id to remove the _2.

If that’s not the issue, I’ll need more info from the trace

@novakl are you running the one automation for both devices in a group or seperate automations?

If seperate, are there any differences in the URLs used in the configuration?

Do you have a baseurl set?

Yes, running one automation and using a group notify all call (all ios devices). The alert shows up on all devices, works perfect on the iWatch, shows video on the iPhone (without any options - just video) and nothing on the iPads (crashes). Using the NabuCasa url.

Did I answer you correctly?

Hi SgtBatten, thanks for the quick reply. Apologies, I did in fact pull the wrong trace example for the first image.

This notification from 5:06PM had an attached snapshot/thumbnail:

This one from this morning had no attached thumbnail:

Both traces look the same and there were no restarts or changes to my services between the two events.

I wonder if the ios live view is not supported on the ipad? Does the notification crash or you say the action buttons (view clip, view snapshot etc) cause the HA app to crash?

Not really crash per say, but it appears HA tries to run and just disappears. The iPhone shows the clip after pressing the notification, but only the clip is visable and none of the action buttons show up. Everything shows up on the iWatch.

I don’t have IOS devices but i think i read about holding down on the notification? maybe that brings up the action buttons.

Yes, that works great. Thanks.

No worries,

Unfortunately there are a few things i can’t get much info on from the traces, the attached image is one of them.

The types of things we need to look at are: What were the two events? What is the difference between them. What is configured in your frigate config file regarding snapshots or events etc.
It is a tough one to investigate.

Great, they open fine? in the app or in a browser on the ipad?

What is set for tap action in the automation?

Thanks SgtBatten, i understand. Both events were the same camera, same zone and same object (car). The notification that had no attached snapshot has a snapshot image stored in Frigate, the same as any other notification that has an attached snapshot.

Below is a snippet from my Frigate config regarding events and snapshots:

  enabled: True
  timestamp: True
  bounding_box: True
     - frontyard_zone
  enabled: True
      default: 10
      - frontyard_zone

Can you please PM me the entire frigate config. Not sure If ill find anything but might as well look.

They still don’t open, in all cases. I at least get a picture and the action buttons now. The tap action is set at default which is “view clip”. I can play around with the options provided and see if that makes a difference.


Any difference in the IOS versions of each?

Can you open the link in a browser instead of the HA app?

Pressing and holding on all devices brings up the live feed along with the action buttons. Clicking on the buttons won’t bring up the events on pad or phone. The phone opens up a browser window, but it doesn’t play. The pad flashes HA and then nothing. Was able to pull the link from the phone and email it to me. I am getting a 404 error, not found.

This is what the link looks like:

All devices are updated to current OS.

Looks like you have entered a trailing slash in the base url field causing a double slash situation.

I can update the code to rectify this in the future for people automatically, but please check that and delete the / at the end if it’s there.