Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

I will remove the slash from the end. When you copy the url out of HA, it adds the slash.

Later… Removed the slash and I get clip on the phone but the snapshot “not available”. Neither clip or snapshot work on the pad.

I still am happy with what is working. Thanks again.

it should all be working unless IOS is being weird.

Can you open a non working snapshot url on your computer?

I will check and see. Something I just discovered on the iPad. If HA companion app “confirm before opening url” is ticked on, the clip will work after you tell it is okay to open. If it is unticked, it doesn’t work. Also when asked whether you want to open the url, the option to always allow will untick the option and cause failure.

Update, snapshot behaves in the same manner. Works if you “allow” it each time.

Sounds like we might need to do a bug report on the IOS companion app. At the very least they might give advice as to why the url is not working in that scenario

It was the camera name! Thanks for the easy fix and great work!

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Probably so, but I not quite sure how to go about doing that, lol. Thanks again for your help.

I found this one iPadOS 16 Notification Clicks and Actions Open and Close App · Issue #2200 · home-assistant/iOS · GitHub

You should comment on it to explain your issue too if it is the same

I have now moved the blueprints over to a github repository from the github gist it was previously. This allows for better issue tracking and gives people the ability to contribute ideas and solutions through pull requests.

I will continue to monitor and provide support here, but all are welcome to visit the github repository linked in the first post to get help and report bugs also.


Sometimes I get notifications that don’t have a image with them. When I click on them, I can still view the snapshot or video. What am I doing wrong? I’m on Android, if that matters.

You are not the first person to mention it. I’ve certainly seen my fair share when i’m troubleshooting and changing code, but generally on my stable cams i’m not seeing this really ever.

If you observe one and can grab all the details from the trace i’d appreciate you throwing it on github for me to look at.

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Will do. Thank you!

are you notifying a group or just one phone?

Just one phone.

it’s working for Frigate 0.12 with integration 4.0.0?

Wondering the same thing.
We almost need a new thread for both frigate .12 and this blueprint!

Yes it’s working. No changes were required as the core functions (mqtt messages, zones, labels, camera entities etc) have not changed.

Hi All, I have just recently joined the Frigate bandwagon… I have Frigate working and the Integration + Card. Just tried this notification blueprint which looks awesome but cant get it to work. :frowning:
I am running Hassio latest ver
Frigate Full Access ver 0.12.0
Integration Ver 4.0.0
Blueprint tried latest stable and the beta.

Configured the automation but it just never triggers, I can see the logbook showing the camera detection and mqtt explorer showing events under frigate/events but the automation just never triggers and shows last triggered as never.
unauthenticated notification event proxy is enabled.

Can anyone help troubleshoot this for me please I’m pulling my hair out!

Sure thing. Can you post the yaml of your automation? View it in yaml mode and copy the text.

Sure thing Thank you! … here is the automation in yaml

alias: Frigate Notifications Beta
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Beta.yaml
    tv_transparency: 0%
    camera: camera.back_2
    notify_device: fc49f551654b8cb1648aa21b5c5afca4
    title: CAMERA ALERT
    tv_size: large
    tv_position: center

Yep thought it would be the camera entity id.

I assume in your frigate config the camera is just back not back_2?

If you only have one camera entity called camera.back then it could have been caused when reinstalling the integration. You can edit the entity id manually or alternatively uninstall the integration and restart HA which should also clear them out, allowing you to reinstall it.

If you have some other integration with that entity id you might want to rename one of them.