Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

yeah i have another integration that is using camera.back when the frigate integration installed it crated it as back_2 so they are two different entities from two different integrations will it still cause an issue?

The blueprint needs the mqtt event to match the entity id for the trigger to work.

In theory you could edit the yaml of the blueprint to just be camera.back and it should work.

You could edit both entity IDs in home assistant to swap them also

That was it! I renamed the cam to back-cam and re-installed the integration, reconfigured the automation and its working now!!! Thanks so much!
It seems like the snapshot isnt working however, it just shows a blank screen when tapped, the vie clip works. If i select snapshot instead of thumbnail for the notification that comes through however but tapping on the button is just blank

In frigate itself does the event in question have a snapshot?

Unfortunately Iā€™ve gotta head to bed but Iā€™ll touch base in the morning.

Yes frigate event does have the snapshotā€¦ i just tried again and it does actually show the snapshotā€¦ its just that its surrounded by massive black borders so I have to swipe 2 full screens upwards for the images to display.
Thanks for all your help.

Yeah I had the same issue with the snapshot. It is too big. I have never figured it out. Well, I added a base url and it loads in the browser now and looks OK.

what happened to bed hahahā€¦ i tired base url but it doesnt load anything thanā€¦ is the base url my nabu casa link?

Same problem

Canā€™t make it work

Any help ?

Thank you

So I was able to get a trace of an automation where I didnā€™t get the image in the notification. Since it looks like the trace has some PII in it, can I share it with you via PM?

Or can you tell me what all is in there? Itā€™s a good sized text file. I see my Nabu URL in there, not sure what else.

Yes, or any other remote access url if people have it set up another way.

define anything? no notification at all, or no attachment? or no action button links work?

@MIIB1 That trace was triggered manually which wont work.

@flyize If you do a find and replace on the personal bit of the naba casa url and your name if you use doubletake face matching that should be it for personal info i think.

the notification comes up with the snapshot but taping or the buttons bring up nothing just a 400 or 401 error.
do i use the base url with the https:// i.e.

Yes but without the trailing / if you are using stable. In beta Iā€™ve added a check for that just the other day so should work either way.

Thanks, I put the URL with the full nabu casa link without the / and set the tap action to open Frigate but when i tap it opens up the HA app but says 404 unable to connect (options are settings / refresh internal url / wait)
The internal url and external are set correctly in the app.

How is frigate installed. As a HA add-on or seperate docker install etc.

And are other tap actions fine? Just opening frigate doesnt work?

I habe a question concerning the security of the iOS notifications:
Shouldnā€™t you need to login to watch a clip ?
I forwarded the URL from the notification to another mobile and I was able to watch it without signing in!

It is unauthenticated yes. This option needs to be ticked in the frigate integration but you can set how long the url is valid for there too.

The url would be very difficult to guess with the event ID being uniquely generated each time.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Would it be possible to have a link to the clip view in the app instead?

If you want it to open in the app, donā€™t use a baseurl.

Alternatively you can use any url you wish, the presets are only examples really.

As far as opening the appropriate event within the frigate tab of home assistant, not itā€™s not possible. Navigate to an event and you will see the url does not contain the information to distinguish anything.

Hello @SgtBatten ,

Thank for reply, is there a way tobtest it manually? If not how can I set new automation to send snapshot whitout blueprint?

Thank you

Issue created. BTW, the Github link in your OP is broken.