Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

let me know if it starts working.

I will try to asap, when Iā€™m back from holiday.

I had an issue with some of my larger resolution cameras I had to double from 5 to 10 and still testing.

Did you go back to using bbox and crop or it was still having issues with neither of this being used?

Just want to check if itā€™s an issue with processing those parameters or something else.

Yea with 5 seconds and snapshot cropped with bounding box was still throwing 404 errors. I bumped it to 10 seconds but havenā€™t triggered an event yet.

Thereā€™s no way the image isnā€™t ready by then. I suspect itā€™s something else.

Not sure, I run all AMCREST cameras with the exception of one older Hikvision I need to replace and after making that change from 0 to 5 for delay the Hikvision was the only one give back the good data fast but its lowest res I got.

What else would help? I could walk outside and trigger with some debugging if needed.

Walking outside would help get us some results quickly.

Can you please PM me the current details so we can resolve it without clogging up the thread.

Version number.

Current automation config

If it is delay related I might roll back a recent change made for someone else that could be related

Hi SgtBatten,
I have another problem for you.
I have now installed Frigate on a NAS and create an integration with Hassio.
It means that Iā€™m not using anymore Frigate as Homeassistant add-on but as an home assistant integration.
Unfortunately I have realised that your Blueprints doesnt work any more.
Is there anyway to continue to use it?

Yes. There is no change other than configuring the integration to point to you new frigate host

After thumbnails being flawless for months, I upgraded to the latest beta and now theyā€™ve started to turn up missing on both my and my wifeā€™s Androids. Did I miss a setting in the new version?

What were you on before, and please share the config

I have set up two automations using the blueprint. One for driveway camera and second one for doorbell camera. Driveway camera notification works. But The Doorbell notification is not triggering at all no matter what i do. Frigate detection and recording works. Both are set up similarly. Any idea whatā€™s going on?

id: '1693796783296'
alias: Notification - Frigate Doorbell Camera
description: ''
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.doorbell_2
    notify_device: 3e64240522b78eed7fe6a63c6971a71e
    message: '{{ label }} detected - {{ camera_name }}'
    alert_once: true
    attachment: snapshot
    update_thumbnail: true
    color: red
    ios_live_view: true
    labels: []

Unless this matches your frigate camera name, remove the _2 at the end.

Thanks. Itā€™s working. Forgot to remove my old nest doorbell camera which forced frigate to name the entity with _2. All good now.

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you mean within this file

alias: Frigate Notifications (
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.piazzale_1
    notify_device: b76118c030e61eef2c2eee37a5d0fc0e
    attachment: thumbnail
      - person
    title: Una persona ĆØ stata avvistata nel piazzale
    zone_filter: true
      - zone_1
    tv: true
    notify_group: you_and_me
    tv_duration: 24
    tv_interrupt: true

or within your stable.yaml file?

Neither. You probably just need to reinstall the integration. Your question was can you still use the blueprint, and the answer is yes, it doesnā€™t matter where frigate is installed as long as it still sends mqtt messages that HA can also see.


I just noticed the snapshot/thumbnail section. It used to be a radio button, but now is a dropdown. Iā€™ve set all that up now. Doesnā€™t seem like that would make it intermittent, but let me see how it runs now.

Not sure if this comunication happen.
in the docker config file I have used the same mqtt instructions I used in the frigate addons

 host: core-mosquitto
 port: 1883
 user: user
 password: password

Frigate is working well in the docker and it is saving clips and in snapshot in the media folder of my NAS but Iā€™m not sure there is a proper comunication with HA.

In HA I can see the camera but the Person recorded is an older image and not updated.

I have just seen the message in docker:

Itā€™s clear that there is no connection but no sure which instuction I should enter in the config file

I have changed the host and it seems that it works now.

 host: #core-mosquitto
 port: 1883
 user: user
 password: password

but I have the following message:
Impossible to load the attachment. Response startus code was unacceptable:400