Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Good point. That would need to be reconfigured with the newer versions.

Does the tap action or action buttons work? Is it iOS ?

There was a typo affecting all iOS group notifications for the past 3 weeks (since beta k)

Please everyone update to beta p

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Any idea how big the .gifs sent are, or where I can go to look at them? Iā€™m on Google Fi, which means I pay for bandwidth.

Not sure where the processing happens. The video is sent and the companion app plays it as a gif. I assume you have to allow for the video file size which depends on your setup.

I have used beta p.
yes, the tap action on Iphone

I thought you were using stableā€¦

Check your attachment setting. In your stable automation posted earlier it said thumbnail. Thatā€™s good for stable but in beta we are changing to the whole file name so thumbnail.jpg would be required.

Gifs are not sent, the entire video is loaded by the Android app and then frames are pulled to be presented as a gif (but itā€™s not actually a gif either)

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Got it. Is there an easy way to determine the file sizes?

Download some of your events and see what size they are is the easiest way I can think of.

If bandwidth is expensive, donā€™t enable video and just watch the ones that you explicitly want to.

Whoa. So its possibly sending an entire event from one of my 4k cameras?

Yes, that is likely what it is doing

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I was using stable but then I tested the beta p with the same problem

Please post the new config you are using

This is the beta one

alias: Frigate Notifications Piazzale_1
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Beta.yaml
    camera: camera.piazzale_1_2
    notify_group: you_and_me
    title: Una persona ĆØ stata avvistata nel piazzale
    message: >-
      {{ label }} detected - {{ camera_name }} at
    attachment: thumbnail.jpg
    update_thumbnail: true
    zone_filter: true
      - zone_1
      - person
    tv: true
    tv_duration: 24
    tv_interrupt: true

Iā€™m now trying again the stable one

this is the outcome of the beta version

and this is what I can see on my HA


Your cam name was just camera.piazzale_1 in the previous one.

The beta has a function which strips _x from the name. Is that why you added _2 to the end? Or is that due to reinstalling the frigate integration? In theory that makes the automation trigger work but might be part of the issue.

Does view snapshot button work?

camera.piazzale_1_2 is the name of the entity after reistalling the frigate integration.
the snapshot buttom doesnā€™t work.
the above image is from Person sensor in HA

the stable version seems to not work at all.
Not sure why but Iā€™m not receiving any notification

alias: Frigate Notifications (
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.piazzale_1_2
    notify_group: you_and_me
    title: Ciao Ciao
    zone_filter: true
      - zone_1
      - person
    tv_interrupt: true
    tv: true
    message: >-
      A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was detected' }} on the
      {{ camera_name }} camera.

The stable version would require you to remove the _2 from the camera entity in the automation.