@AseKarlsson just create a YAML file (which will be virtually “merged” all together from same folder) and put that inside it respecting indentation as usual for YAML files.
Then restart HA and set that theme to each card you want.
Thanks but this is what makes HA suck. I’m all for improvements but WTF. 1 step forward 10 steps back. Thought their goals were to eliminate Yaml for stupid tidies things as setting a color for an indicator. Also nothing mentioned in the release notes or breaking changes of this. They really need to change how they do updates and go the path of how 99.9% of software is done. Their ways of doing things makes one never want to update in the fear all hell will break lose. Most SW will do bug fixes regularly and core features/changes less frequent and not part of any bug fixes. If this was a bug and should be a simple fix why after 3 sub sequential releases is it still not fixed.
A lot of HA is volunteer coded. I’m not angry that it was broken along the way. I guess I’m more bothered that I’ve loaded two more updates since it was broken and neither of them fixed it. I keep looking at the changelogs, hoping it will be included.
I also wonder whether the participants in this thread are the only ones annoyed by this change. It seems so obviously wrong - lights turned off no longer yellow but black in the ui - that I would have thought it must be corrected in the next point release without need for further discussion…
Maybe most of users are using Light theme, custom Themes or the new Light Tile (the one as horizontal slide) and not the standard circular card and finally there aren’t many people using Dimmers (most of shared screenshot I seen are regarding normal On/Off lamps and not dimmered ones).
Hello emandt, thanks for your ‘dirty’ fix, it has worked for me also.
I actually DO have a lot of Fibaro dimmers installed behind the wall switches and the Standard Circular card so it has been an annoying and disappointing system break/bug for me.
I wasn’t aware of the new Light Tile so I’ll explore that, thanks for the tip and of course the fix!
Btw, the CARD MOD fix you proposed wouldn’t work for me, thankfully you proposed the Theme fix.
Hi Chris,
If you’ve ever spent time using OpenHab you wouldn’t feel so strongly and frustrated I’ve been through NINE different systems over the years: Vera, Fibaro, Domoticz (open source linux), Jeedom (open source French linux), Hubitat, Homekit, OpenHab and finally settled on HomeAssistant.
Home Assistant leaves them all in the dust. Sophisticated, advanced, flexible, configurable and damn easy to get up and running. Stable too. I run it on a Home`assistant Blue box/hub.
OpenHab drove me mad after a year, geeky endless fiddling with code to do simple things… cocky arrogant geeky users spewing out jargon and obfuscation, updating a PIA… believe me, HomeAssistant is GOLD in comparison.
It’s very rare for an event like this to happenwith an update so although I’m generally a hothead, I would say stick with it, you’ve got the best system around. regards, Denis