Fully Kiosk Browser

i never used the screensaver, because i got an input slider for brightness from the beginning.
so i cant tell if the screensaver would have preferences over brightness.

personally i never dim completely. (in the night to 1%)
because the web api to a wifi device can fail and when its 100% black you dont have control at all.
with 1% there is just enough to see something in the dark, so its always available.

Gonna test it
Is your device powerd through PoE ? Or do you load it manually?
I wonder how long battery lasts if i dont keep it under power

i got firetabs and a samsung, both are continious on power with USB.

have a look at my screenshot, it’ll give you an idea of how long it takes to discharge…

but even that is just a small estimation for others.
it doesnt tell how bright you have your screen normally, what screen you display, how old your battery is, etc.

the time needed to unload and reload a battery from a tablet depends on many factors and is almost as personal as the use from a tablet. :wink:

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Oh I fully get this. How else would I answer “how long is a piece of string?”
At least it should give some idea of an approximate ballpark figure… Ish… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I followed these steps
This goes in the configuration.YAML
rest_command: kiosk_command: url: !secret rest_url_kiosk_command
What to put in SECRETS.YAML file - But use your IP and Password
rest_url_kiosk_command: ‘{{ cmd }}&url={{ url }}&key={{ key }}&value={{ value }}&url={{ url }}&type={{ type }}&password=password’ tablet_settings: ‘’ tablet_info: ‘

Copy fully.py into a folder in config/python_scripts/ if you don’t have that folder then create it. Copy services.yaml in to config/python_scripts/ as well, if you already have a services.yaml then just append the contents to that file. This will create a service called python_script.fully that you can use to make automations. If you view the service under DEVELOPER TOOLS > SERVICES then you will see the info for all the different variables you can call, so you don’t have to refer back to the docs in the future.

However , when i look into the developer tools>services, the python_script fully is empty
My sensors work (not sure of the benefit, since you can see all that stuff through fully remote admin portal too :p)

What am i doing wrong?

My battery sensor says its unavailable? Whats wrong there too?

- platform: rest
  name: Tablet Living
    - isScreenOn
    - batteryLevel
    - kioskMode
    - screenBrightness
    - motionDetectorState
    - maintenanceMode
    - appFreeMemory
    - appUsedMemory
    - totalFreeMemory
    - totalUsedMemory
    - hostname4
    - ip4
    - mac
    - locationLatitude
    - locationLongitude
    - locationAltitude
    - startUrl
    - currentPage
  resource: !secret tablet_info
  value_template: '{{ value_json.isScreenOn }}'
  scan_interval: 10

- platform: rest
  name: Tablet Living Settings
    - timeToScreenOffV2
    - screenBrightness
    - motionSensitivity
    - motionDection
    - motionDetectionAcoustic
    - motionSensitivityAcoustic
    - screenOffInDarkness
    - darknessLevel
  resource: !secret tablet_settings
  value_template: '{{ value_json.motionSensitivity }}'
  scan_interval: 10
- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Tablet Living Battery"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr(sensor.tablet_living,'batteryLevel') }}"

Willing to share your config? (also the othere repliers here:p)
I’ve tested this noon 12pm my tablet was on 60%, at 15pm already at 15% battery
Thats fast

How is sensity set of the motion with you guys?

sorry, but i got an appdaemon app that automaticly detects new fully tablets and that makes the entities that i need.
so no HA configuration at all

So the automations to set brightness and stuff is done by that appdaemon?

i do everything with appdaemon.

Anyone else can help with my questions?

I use the MQTT function to get the battery level.
In HA it works like this:

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Crap, was hoping to get it without mqtt
Also how did you manage to turn on/off, can i see that too?
Do you keep it powered?

Guess the guideline isnt that 100% correct

Turning the screen on/off is done directly from fkb, using the motion data from the front camera

You said to dim it or use the screensaver.
Is that also done directly from fkb?

i know i can turn it on/off directly… but as i said, thats not working when plugged in…
When i unplug it, and set it to turn on/off it works but my battery is drain in 6 hours or smth, so thats not an option
Unless i can get it to 3 days or something by changing it sensitiveness or something…
If i’m stuck on 6-12 hours with battery, then thats not an option and i do need to power it up all time, but then i cant use the on/off screen and have to do something else

I hope you understand me?
I’m not sure to power it up/ not powering up, wich relates to how to turn on/off screen or use screensaver or dim the screen

It will a combination of those 2 things with those other 3 things :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s odd you can’t dim the screen when plugged. That’s what I do. But if indeed it only works when not powered, then a cheap smart switch would do the trick (turn the switch off, change the screen, turn the power on)
Unless you must use POE…

yeah its PoE

Does anyone know of a way to reset all settings to default. I want to start my set up from scratch

Open the app info and clear data?

Running fully kiosk browser on samsung tab s3
Button presses react quite slow, any idea what it could be?