Fully Kiosk Browser

I had same issues fkb was very slow also on a new tablet. There was something what I did. Have to search for it but all problems went gone… I’ll come.back when I know what I did…

Found it:

I removed the “Logger” component and now the lag is gone…

You mean the logger from HA or is there a logger for FKB too?

Disable it in HA

ok thx for your help

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ok a super stupid question: turn off loggin for the entire HA? or just for a module?

Fredrik Buchanan

Disabled logger totally.

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Hi Guys, I am stilling having no progress with this.
My main plan was to use a motion sensor that I have in the room with the tablet to turn display on and off.

I can turn on the display and I can dim the display but I am unable to turn display off and also unable to undim

Can 1 of you that have this working share your .YAML?

and did it work for you also? Us FKB now fast again ?

I have not tested yet. just want the upgrade week to pass then i will try,


Hi, may i know how to set the brightness to 0 im FKB? I can’t find this setting in it. My FKB always try to reload my frontend after wake up from motion detected.

It’s in screen saver (plus) page:

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Any way to get an live camera on home assistant from tablet ? That link that everyone is talking about it shows me just a actual camshot… not the live camera.

I use motion for this.
all you need to do is point it to your table camshot URL
the key setting is:

netcam_url http://[IP_Address]:2323/?password=[password]&cmd=getCamshot
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I just setup a Generic camera for that


fully doesnt give a video stream.
just a camshot. which can be turned into a slow video by getting a camshot every 10 seconds (even faster if you want to overload your dashboard :wink: )

Hi, does anyone has issue with the FKB getting slower in response over time when clicking? If you restart the FKB and it will become OK but getting slower over time.

I’m using Lenovo Tab 4 Plus with 2GB of RAM and nothing is running besides the FKB.

Here the problem was the logger part. I removed that one and FKB runs smooth now for months.

is there a way to send a command to “clear cache” - sometimes my camera feeds get stuck on the image from the previous evening. this would sort it if run every morning.

You meant the HA logger?