Fully Kiosk Browser


I have de logger on again with specific entities i want log.
Thats work also for me. SO the logger is not that big anymore

just set FK to delete cache always.
there are a ton of settings about cache.
when reloading, when reconnecting to network, internet, etc.

thankyou thats useful to know

Just starting to use fully kiosk on a tablet in my hall and very impressed.
One thing I do notice - my Lovelace views are vertically scrollable even though there is nothing rendered on the page that is out of view…
Is there any way to disable scrolling with FK?

i have a great problem with the Kiosk Browser, whioch is activated by motion.
Every time my homeassistant restart ( all 2 days) i get a blue/white blank screen.

I have to kill the Kiosk Browser, clear the cache and log in again to use it again.
What do i do wrong?
Sometimes it happens without restart, also.

Any possibilities?

Thx in Advance

first of all you need to set in your settings that cache is cleared with every reload.
second of all you got a big problem if you restart HA all 2 days.

I feel my HA Instance is faster, if i restart HA every 2 days at nighttime.
I can disable this automation for testing if this is a problem.

Ok, i try to clear cache every reload and take a look.


if your HA slows down after 2 days, you got a problem somewhere that you should figure out.
restarting it every 2 days is a bandage that doesnt solve the problem.

and indeed restarting can cause that your session is expired and that the tablet needs to be logged in again, but i think that is in most cases because cookies are deleted (check that in your FK settings) or that there is no permanent session from the HA side. (check the settings there)

Hello Rene, can you please explain what you mean with “no permanent session from the HA side”? Which settings to check for that?

i know HA works with cookies, permission for IP addresses, tokens, etc.
im using an old HA, so im not sure what settings are available for you and where (because HA changes every few weeks)

but my first guess is that you need to look in the settings from FK.
FK can keep cookies, or automaticly delete them, just like cache.
FK has a ton of settings for that and when you need to relogin i suspect that the cookies are deleted somehow.

Does anyone running fully kiosk with the latest amazon fire 10?
Its working fine for me however i have an issue with permission

Every day at the same exact time, fully kiosk would just close then when i try to re-open it i see the “give permisson to microphone” popup show up and i keep giving access but this popup shows up again the next day
Is anyone having the problem?

Yes, I am having the same issue. I updated Fully to the latest fireOS version and still having the same problem.

I am having the same issue with 2x Fire 7 9th gen. I hadn’t noticed it happening at specific time of day, just that it happens frequently. I haven’t been able to find any settings so far that stop it.

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do you guys have acoustic motion detection enabled?
if you dont use it, turn it off, its the only thing that needs those permissions.


Under “motion detector plus” i have
Enable visual motion detection = turned on
Enable Acoustic motion detection = turned off

Under Device Movement detection Plus" i have nothing turn on

Im gona try turning it on then putting the treshold to zero then turning it back off
Now ill wait for tomorrow at the same time and see if it still requires it

Is there a way to automatically go to a certain URL (i.e. HA start page) after the tablet has been idle for a certain amount of time?

I’ve got an oddball problem with Fully Kiosk that perhaps someone here can help with. I’ve been running Fully Kiosk Browser on an Amazon Fire HD 8 with TileBoard to control Home Assistant for quite some time. Recently I had some lag issues so I decided to reset the Fire tablet to factory defaults and set it up again, which is a little bit of work because I use Nova Launcher, Launcher Hijack, and Fully from the website rather than getting it through Google Play. I got through setting it up again just fine but I have one bizarre behavior. When the tablet is in the show mode charging dock, it does not respond to presses on the touchscreen at all. As soon as I take the tablet out of the dock, everything works great.

It seems like a bizarre problem. Any advice of why Fully doesn’t respond to touchscreen input while charging but it responds great when it is not charging? Is there a Fully setting I goofed up?

I know of no FKB setting that would do this. Perhaps it is a Kindle setting?

There were very few Kindle settings I changed during the process, although admittedly I do enable debugging and “un-set” the device provisioning so I can disable the device lock screen. However, that was consistent with what I have done previously. But you did give me an idea-- I will exit Fully Kiosk, put it into the dock, and see if it similarly stops responding to touchscreen input.

Are you able to use fully kiosk to lock a fire tablet down to only the HA application or is this only for web/url?