Fully Kiosk Browser

why jump though all those hoops?
when a new fire arrives i install Fully through the website and thats all i need.
when i go back to factory defaults (cant think why) i reinstall fully and thats it.

i dont have the problem that it works without charging, because im never without charging :wink:

@ha_jsmonty the HA application is the same as any other web/url

Back a year or so when I set up the Fire tablet as a smart home panel, I basically followed these two guides:

That’s what led me down the path for Nova Launch, Launcher Hijack, and Fully Kiosk from the website instead of Pay Store. Everything was working great until I repeated the process, and now I have this weirdness of not responding to touch when charging.

That written, given you have success by taking a Fire Tablet and simply installing Kiosk through the website, maybe I’ll reset to defaults and do that and see if my problem goes away.

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ive seen a lot of guides and instructions, but i hardly found them usefull.

most of them are to get rid of the adds, but they dont annoy me, because with fully i got the firetab always on.
the only time i see the adds is when the fire is restarted.

I went ahead and did the install simply, per your suggestion. I reset to defaults and installed Fully Kiosk Browser from the website. Unfortunately, I have the same problem. If I’m holding the tablet, it works perfectly. If I put the tablet in the show mode charging dock, the touchscreen no longer works. It gets one step weirder. When I take it out of the show mode charging dock and plug it into a wall charger, the touchscreen works. So it’s got nothing to do with charging. How on earth does this Fire tablet know it is in the show mode charging dock and stop letting Fully use touchscreen input?

that has to do with alexa, i suspect.

the dock is designed to keep the tablet in a certain state, so that alexa can work correctly on it.
i have alexa disabled on all my firetabs, because i got echos in the same rooms anyway.
Alexa on firetabs works fine if you dont have other alexa devices near, but because i have that i just disable it.

you could try disabling it also and see if thats indeed the problem. im about 100% sure that this has nothing to do with fully.

Much to my dismay, shutting off Alexa didn’t change anything. I am sure you are right, it is not Fully. My next try will be the wall-wart-- I did change that because I needed another USB slot there. Maybe the wall wart has something to do with it. I am grasping at straws now. It’s a shame because this was working just fine for over a year.

its a firetab setting for sure.
somewhere in the settings there must be something about the dockingbase, but i cant help you exactly where.

Remarkably, it was the wall wart. Apparently, when I swapped out the wall wart to get an extra USB port, there wasn’t enough current coming from the new wall wart and caused the fire tablet to behave in a very strange manner when it was in the show mode charging dock. I must say, that was very frustrating. It took far more time to diagnose that issue than it should have. Basically, I changed two things at the same time (the wall wart, plus reset the fire tablet) and I spent a few hours trying to sort out the tablet when the issue was the wall wart. Thanks for your help although this ended up as a trivial problem.

the important thing is that you found it out and learned some things in the process :wink:

Just looking at your post @slim0287 as about to purchase a couple of hd10’s for wall mounting. So glad to hear you can install fully kiosk without any messing about.

I suspect your original lagging issue was also down to lack of current available. I hate faults like this they drive you mad and it turns out to be something simple!

Can fully kiosk do a screensaver reading photos from a network source ideally or SD card?


Actually that original business I did to set things up (custom launcher, hijacking the home button, disabling provisioning of the tablet, etc) was pretty straight forward. Although now it is simpler, it took me under an hour the first time around.

I am using TileBoard to present the interface to Home Assistant, and the screensaver images are hosted on the Raspberry Pi 4 server which runs Home Assistant. So, no need for an SD card with the photos on the tablet.

Producing a few of these smart home control panels from Fire HD10s shouldn’t present a problem. It works quite nicely.

As for faults like this that drive you crazy and turn out to be something simple, I could describe more than I care to count! But given the haphazard mish-mash of the smart home technology space, it is something we’re going to live with for a long time! :slight_smile:

Greetings. Just so I am clear, you don’t do anything “special” to the table to disable lock screen or adjust device provisioning? Just install FK from the website and that is it? I assume that you have to at least enable installing apps from an unknown source?

Do you have your screen go on an off with motion or just use the blacked out screensaver?

yes thats it

yeah thats right, because youll need to be able to install the apk.

i set the brightness to zero at night, and to 255 at day ( actually, to zero when everyone is asleep, and to 255 when someone is awake)
i dont use screensaver, just brightness.

I run FK on two Android tablets and two Fire Tablets. I also have all four tablets running through smart plugs to charge when the tablets batteries drops below 10%. This generally works well but when the screen goes off (I have screens on motion detection), the battery data stops transmitting to HA. So at night when the screens are off and the battery drops below 10%, HA doesn’t trigger the chargers and the battery drains to 0%. Is there a way to keep the battery data in sync when with the screen off? Using screen saver with brightness of 0 does work but I would rather turn the screen off.

when you turn the screen off, then the firetab falls asleep, and when it starts up again it will show adds.
there are ways to avod that, but for me thats just to much work, and i rather use it the way it came.

your problem is: you turn the firetab off. and when its off it cant keep sending data to HA.

you really cant do without keeping the tablet and its connection alive.
and for me the easiest way to do that is just not to turn the screen off. (and i really dont see why anyone would want to turn it off, because with brightness 0, it doesnt use more power then it needs to)

That all makes sense. Do you just use an automation in HA to turn the brightness to 0 at night?

my automations are all in appdaemon, but it can also be done with HA.
for each tablet i create

  • a brightness slider
  • a volume slider
  • a restart button
  • a reload button
  • a motion sensor
  • a battery sensor
  • a general sensor that shows the last time HA had contact with the tablet, and all other info from the tablet

from that on you can automate anything you like.

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Very cool. Do you have a screenshot and your YAML available? I would very much like to check out what you have done. I’m particularly interested in the code for the sliders. Thanks

like i said, i use appdaemon for it.
so thats in python and not in yaml.

Hello, after I got within this integration always the following error message in the logs:
{“status”:“Error”,“statustext”:“Please login”}

I found out that the character # in my fully kiosk PW was the problem. So in order to solve this I needed only to delete the # in my PW and afterward it was working :slight_smile: