Fully Kiosk Browser

Thank you! All fixed.

Is there a way to use Fully to shut down a Fire tablet? I see there’s a button to restart the device but it would be nice to shut it down when my alarm goes into vacation mode.

restart is to restart fully, not the device.
there is no (easy) way to shutdown or restart a fire as far as i know.

if there is i would love to hear it, but then its added recently in fully.

1 Like

Hi There, I read back in this thread about people having issues with FKB (Lenovo tablet) slowing down over time. I have this happening, if I refresh then clicks etc result in quick changes (e.g. turn on/off light). But over time this seems to get slower and slower. Using the same dashboard on my iPad everything is quick.

Someone recommended removing the logger in Default Config, but that seems like I would be removing other things as well? Any ideas?

Nightly reboot.

I have been using FKB for 2 years but last weekend I for the first time tried the Screensaver functions. One thing that I haven’t found a setting or solution for yet is how to randomize a list of YouTube clips every time the screensaver is activated. Any pointer on the direction? Many thanks.

I see others have also mentioned memory use and seem to have narrowed it down to surfaceflinger (Android’s window manger).

I have my tablets set to restart daily (9:45am) but they seem to drop down in free memory and eventually become unresponsive (dotted line where the tablet is no longer responding to the FKB API) during the day.

Fully Kiosk settings

Android settings (on top of a default LineageOS install)

The tablets (all FireHD* 2017 models) except one without the memory leak show up as (eg tablet-study):

Device Name Fire HD8 2017
IP4 address
IP6 address FE80::271:47FF:FE5D:4643
Mac address 00:71:47:5d:46:43
Wifi SSID “imagiFi IoT 5”
Battery level 100.0% (plugged)
Screen brightness 16
Screen status on
Screen size 1280x800 px
Keyguard locked on
Wakelock full/partial/up on/on/off
Foreground app com.fullykiosk.emm
RAM (free/total) 350/1373 MB
Internal storage (free/total) 26713/26899 MB
Android version 10 (SDK 29)
KNOX version/licensed no/no
Webview provider com.android.webview
Webview version 100.0.4896.127
Webview UA Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Fire HD 8 Build/QQ3A.20…
Device model Fire HD 8 (amzn)
Encryption status 1

The one without the memory leak (tablet-kitchen)

Device Name Amazon Fire HD10
IP4 address
IP6 address FE80::6E56:97FF:FE38:D524
Mac address 6c:56:97:38:d5:24
Wifi SSID “imagiFi IoT 5”
Battery level 100.0% (plugged)
Screen brightness 134
Screen status on
Screen size 1920x1200 px
Keyguard locked on
Wakelock full/partial/up on/on/off
Foreground app com.fullykiosk.emm
RAM (free/total) 1004/1814 MB
Internal storage (free/total) 26631/26900 MB
Android version 9 (SDK 28)
KNOX version/licensed no/no
Webview provider org.bromite.webview
Webview version 100.0.4896.57
Webview UA Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SAMSUNG SM-G960U Build/P…
Device model Fire (Google)
Encryption status 1

I’m wondering if this is some interaction between Fully Kiosk Browser and the Lineage build for the two platforms?

To track this down further I ran a dumpsys memory at the start and then after a while of running to see what was expanding.


Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 99638 Realtime: 99638

Total PSS by process:
    166,442K: com.fullykiosk.emm (pid 1258 / activities)
     97,951K: system (pid 513)
     86,177K: com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0 (pid 1567)
     83,672K: com.android.systemui (pid 705)
     53,549K: [email protected] (pid 256)
     39,531K: surfaceflinger (pid 204)
     24,000K: com.android.launcher3 (pid 992 / activities)
     23,293K: mediaserver (pid 402)
     21,669K: zygote (pid 245)
     16,097K: zygote64 (pid 244)
     10,791K: com.android.settings (pid 671)
     10,616K: audioserver (pid 268)
     10,243K: android.process.acore (pid 1313)
      9,933K: webview_zygote (pid 902)
      9,841K: com.android.deskclock (pid 1097)
      9,086K: com.android.inputmethod.latin (pid 941)
      9,058K: android.process.media (pid 1195)
      8,854K: com.android.networkstack (pid 800)
      7,528K: [email protected] (pid 249)
      6,900K: media.extractor (pid 400)
      6,637K: android.ext.services (pid 878)
      6,000K: com.android.permissioncontroller (pid 1431)
      5,706K: media.swcodec (pid 412)
      5,652K: org.lineageos.eleven (pid 1173)
      5,560K: org.lineageos.lineageparts (pid 1234)
      5,536K: com.android.traceur (pid 1478)
      5,490K: com.android.managedprovisioning (pid 1365)
      5,489K: com.android.contacts (pid 1287)
      5,405K: drmserver (pid 390)
      5,329K: com.android.providers.calendar (pid 1453)
      4,950K: org.lineageos.updater (pid 1506)
      4,534K: wpa_supplicant (pid 1832)
      4,517K: com.android.packageinstaller (pid 1410)
      4,200K: media.codec (pid 406)
      4,180K: com.android.se (pid 1130)
      3,933K: com.android.keychain (pid 1656)
      3,922K: com.android.dynsystem (pid 1333)
      3,887K: com.android.onetimeinitializer (pid 1385)
      3,689K: netd (pid 243)
      3,420K: init (pid 1)
      3,373K: [email protected] (pid 257)
      3,151K: media.metrics (pid 401)
      2,851K: logd (pid 177)
      2,513K: [email protected] (pid 655)
      2,447K: usap32 (pid 689)
      2,437K: usap32 (pid 698)
      2,436K: usap32 (pid 692)
      2,434K: usap32 (pid 693)
      2,434K: usap32 (pid 694)
      2,177K: apexd (pid 219)
      2,096K: keystore (pid 398)
      2,082K: adbd (pid 417)
      2,078K: statsd (pid 403)
      1,963K: vold (pid 183)
      1,950K: [email protected] (pid 254)
      1,938K: ueventd (pid 169)
      1,913K: guiext-server (pid 387)
      1,752K: init (pid 162)
      1,668K: hwservicemanager (pid 179)
      1,571K: storaged (pid 404)
      1,544K: [email protected] (pid 202)
      1,513K: installd (pid 396)
      1,470K: init (pid 163)
      1,407K: [email protected] (pid 255)
      1,335K: gpuservice (pid 269)
      1,318K: mediadrmserver (pid 399)
      1,311K: wificond (pid 405)
      1,296K: [email protected] (pid 203)
      1,286K: gatekeeperd (pid 414)
      1,285K: incidentd (pid 392)
      1,255K: usap64 (pid 675)
      1,254K: usap64 (pid 672)
      1,254K: usap64 (pid 673)
      1,254K: usap64 (pid 674)
      1,207K: [email protected] (pid 253)
      1,106K: [email protected] (pid 251)
      1,097K: [email protected] (pid 262)
        964K: [email protected] (pid 252)
        932K: mdnsd (pid 476)
        931K: [email protected] (pid 250)
        920K: [email protected] (pid 260)
        898K: [email protected] (pid 248)
        897K: [email protected] (pid 263)
        879K: [email protected] (pid 258)
        861K: servicemanager (pid 178)
        841K: [email protected] (pid 259)
        840K: [email protected] (pid 261)
        804K: [email protected] (pid 247)
        783K: ip6tables-restore (pid 394)
        775K: iptables-restore (pid 393)
        771K: adb_root (pid 388)
        768K: vndservicemanager (pid 181)
        749K: sh (pid 383)
        738K: ashmemd (pid 267)
        734K: dumpsys (pid 1891)
        614K: kisd (pid 229)
        609K: lmkd (pid 270)
        574K: tombstoned (pid 415)
        555K: headsetd (pid 1125)
        536K: 6620_launcher (pid 266)
        502K: rpmb_svc (pid 230)

Total PSS by OOM adjustment:
    302,001K: Native
         53,549K: [email protected] (pid 256)
         39,531K: surfaceflinger (pid 204)
         23,293K: mediaserver (pid 402)
         21,669K: zygote (pid 245)
         16,097K: zygote64 (pid 244)
         10,616K: audioserver (pid 268)
          9,933K: webview_zygote (pid 902)
          7,528K: [email protected] (pid 249)
          6,900K: media.extractor (pid 400)
          5,706K: media.swcodec (pid 412)
          5,405K: drmserver (pid 390)
          4,534K: wpa_supplicant (pid 1832)
          4,200K: media.codec (pid 406)
          3,689K: netd (pid 243)
          3,420K: init (pid 1)
          3,373K: [email protected] (pid 257)
          3,151K: media.metrics (pid 401)
          2,851K: logd (pid 177)
          2,513K: [email protected] (pid 655)
          2,447K: usap32 (pid 689)
          2,437K: usap32 (pid 698)
          2,436K: usap32 (pid 692)
          2,434K: usap32 (pid 693)
          2,434K: usap32 (pid 694)
          2,177K: apexd (pid 219)
          2,096K: keystore (pid 398)
          2,082K: adbd (pid 417)
          2,078K: statsd (pid 403)
          1,963K: vold (pid 183)
          1,950K: [email protected] (pid 254)
          1,938K: ueventd (pid 169)
          1,913K: guiext-server (pid 387)
          1,752K: init (pid 162)
          1,668K: hwservicemanager (pid 179)
          1,571K: storaged (pid 404)
          1,544K: [email protected] (pid 202)
          1,513K: installd (pid 396)
          1,470K: init (pid 163)
          1,407K: [email protected] (pid 255)
          1,335K: gpuservice (pid 269)
          1,318K: mediadrmserver (pid 399)
          1,311K: wificond (pid 405)
          1,296K: [email protected] (pid 203)
          1,286K: gatekeeperd (pid 414)
          1,285K: incidentd (pid 392)
          1,255K: usap64 (pid 675)
          1,254K: usap64 (pid 672)
          1,254K: usap64 (pid 673)
          1,254K: usap64 (pid 674)
          1,207K: [email protected] (pid 253)
          1,106K: [email protected] (pid 251)
          1,097K: [email protected] (pid 262)
            964K: [email protected] (pid 252)
            932K: mdnsd (pid 476)
            931K: [email protected] (pid 250)
            920K: [email protected] (pid 260)
            898K: [email protected] (pid 248)
            897K: [email protected] (pid 263)
            879K: [email protected] (pid 258)
            861K: servicemanager (pid 178)
            841K: [email protected] (pid 259)
            840K: [email protected] (pid 261)
            804K: [email protected] (pid 247)
            783K: ip6tables-restore (pid 394)
            775K: iptables-restore (pid 393)
            771K: adb_root (pid 388)
            768K: vndservicemanager (pid 181)
            749K: sh (pid 383)
            738K: ashmemd (pid 267)
            734K: dumpsys (pid 1891)
            614K: kisd (pid 229)
            609K: lmkd (pid 270)
            574K: tombstoned (pid 415)
            555K: headsetd (pid 1125)
            536K: 6620_launcher (pid 266)
            502K: rpmb_svc (pid 230)
    194,657K: Persistent
         97,951K: system (pid 513)
         83,672K: com.android.systemui (pid 705)
          8,854K: com.android.networkstack (pid 800)
          4,180K: com.android.se (pid 1130)
    252,619K: Foreground
        166,442K: com.fullykiosk.emm (pid 1258 / activities)
         86,177K: com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0 (pid 1567)
     30,637K: Visible
         24,000K: com.android.launcher3 (pid 992 / activities)
          6,637K: android.ext.services (pid 878)
      9,086K: Perceptible
          9,086K: com.android.inputmethod.latin (pid 941)
    100,198K: Cached
         10,791K: com.android.settings (pid 671)
         10,243K: android.process.acore (pid 1313)
          9,841K: com.android.deskclock (pid 1097)
          9,058K: android.process.media (pid 1195)
          6,000K: com.android.permissioncontroller (pid 1431)
          5,652K: org.lineageos.eleven (pid 1173)
          5,560K: org.lineageos.lineageparts (pid 1234)
          5,536K: com.android.traceur (pid 1478)
          5,490K: com.android.managedprovisioning (pid 1365)
          5,489K: com.android.contacts (pid 1287)
          5,329K: com.android.providers.calendar (pid 1453)
          4,950K: org.lineageos.updater (pid 1506)
          4,517K: com.android.packageinstaller (pid 1410)
          3,933K: com.android.keychain (pid 1656)
          3,922K: com.android.dynsystem (pid 1333)
          3,887K: com.android.onetimeinitializer (pid 1385)

Total PSS by category:
    158,499K: Native
    141,480K: .so mmap
    112,311K: .apk mmap
     94,711K: Unknown
     85,800K: GL mtrack
     52,148K: EGL mtrack
     48,635K: .jar mmap
     46,773K: .art mmap
     37,949K: Dalvik
     37,410K: .dex mmap
     23,407K: .oat mmap
     17,921K: Other mmap
     14,057K: Dalvik Other
     13,644K: Stack
      2,364K: Ashmem
      1,141K: Other dev
        948K: .ttf mmap
          0K: Cursor
          0K: Gfx dev
          0K: Other mtrack

Total RAM: 1,406,048K (status normal)
 Free RAM:   443,638K (  100,198K cached pss +   307,560K cached kernel +    35,880K free)
 Used RAM: 1,026,948K (  789,000K used pss +   237,948K kernel)
 Lost RAM:   -64,542K
     ZRAM:         4K physical used for         0K in swap (1,042,244K total swap)
   Tuning: 256 (large 256), oom   322,560K, restore limit   107,520K

after running for 2 hours

Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 5342187 Realtime: 5342187

Total PSS by process:
    174,346K: com.fullykiosk.emm (pid 1259 / activities)
    123,601K: surfaceflinger (pid 204)
    108,859K: system (pid 511)
     94,224K: com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0 (pid 1599)
     84,371K: com.android.systemui (pid 702)
     57,553K: [email protected] (pid 256)
     23,260K: mediaserver (pid 400)
     20,863K: zygote (pid 245)
     20,377K: com.android.launcher3 (pid 994 / activities)
     16,688K: zygote64 (pid 244)
     11,310K: com.android.settings (pid 675)
     10,825K: com.android.deskclock (pid 1098)
     10,605K: audioserver (pid 268)
      9,792K: com.android.inputmethod.latin (pid 939)
      9,764K: android.process.media (pid 1163)
      9,673K: com.android.networkstack (pid 805)
      9,216K: webview_zygote (pid 881)
      8,425K: com.android.webview:webview_service (pid 1577)
      7,535K: [email protected] (pid 249)
      7,317K: android.ext.services (pid 893)
      6,885K: media.extractor (pid 398)
      6,103K: com.android.traceur (pid 1481)
      6,101K: org.lineageos.lineageparts (pid 1235)
      5,868K: com.android.providers.calendar (pid 1457)
      5,711K: media.swcodec (pid 415)
      5,495K: org.lineageos.updater (pid 1507)
      5,372K: drmserver (pid 392)
      4,739K: com.android.se (pid 1134)
      4,531K: wpa_supplicant (pid 4019)
      4,513K: com.android.keychain (pid 1694)
      4,214K: media.codec (pid 405)
      3,798K: netd (pid 243)
      3,426K: [email protected] (pid 257)
      3,423K: init (pid 1)
      3,359K: logd (pid 178)
      3,159K: media.metrics (pid 399)
      2,558K: [email protected] (pid 660)
      2,527K: adbd (pid 438)
      2,183K: apexd (pid 219)
      2,178K: usap32 (pid 690)
      2,170K: usap32 (pid 696)
      2,167K: usap32 (pid 691)
      2,165K: usap32 (pid 692)
      2,165K: usap32 (pid 695)
      2,089K: keystore (pid 396)
      2,080K: statsd (pid 401)
      2,057K: vold (pid 183)
      1,954K: [email protected] (pid 254)
      1,938K: ueventd (pid 170)
      1,915K: guiext-server (pid 389)
      1,757K: init (pid 163)
      1,669K: hwservicemanager (pid 180)
      1,588K: storaged (pid 402)
      1,549K: usap64 (pid 679)
      1,548K: usap64 (pid 676)
      1,548K: usap64 (pid 677)
      1,548K: usap64 (pid 678)
      1,544K: [email protected] (pid 202)
      1,506K: installd (pid 395)
      1,470K: init (pid 164)
      1,396K: [email protected] (pid 255)
      1,331K: gpuservice (pid 269)
      1,318K: wificond (pid 404)
      1,299K: mediadrmserver (pid 397)
      1,298K: [email protected] (pid 203)
      1,290K: incidentd (pid 394)
      1,290K: gatekeeperd (pid 419)
      1,200K: [email protected] (pid 253)
      1,107K: [email protected] (pid 251)
      1,102K: [email protected] (pid 262)
        973K: [email protected] (pid 252)
        948K: mdnsd (pid 467)
        924K: [email protected] (pid 250)
        916K: [email protected] (pid 260)
        895K: [email protected] (pid 248)
        893K: [email protected] (pid 263)
        880K: [email protected] (pid 258)
        865K: servicemanager (pid 179)
        839K: [email protected] (pid 259)
        836K: [email protected] (pid 261)
        804K: [email protected] (pid 247)
        784K: ip6tables-restore (pid 413)
        772K: iptables-restore (pid 412)
        769K: vndservicemanager (pid 181)
        767K: adb_root (pid 390)
        750K: sh (pid 385)
        734K: ashmemd (pid 267)
        733K: dumpsys (pid 4062)
        611K: kisd (pid 229)
        609K: lmkd (pid 270)
        570K: tombstoned (pid 420)
        560K: headsetd (pid 1124)
        537K: 6620_launcher (pid 266)
        507K: rpmb_svc (pid 230)

Total PSS by OOM adjustment:
    390,179K: Native
        123,601K: surfaceflinger (pid 204)
         57,553K: [email protected] (pid 256)
         23,260K: mediaserver (pid 400)
         20,863K: zygote (pid 245)
         16,688K: zygote64 (pid 244)
         10,605K: audioserver (pid 268)
          9,216K: webview_zygote (pid 881)
          7,535K: [email protected] (pid 249)
          6,885K: media.extractor (pid 398)
          5,711K: media.swcodec (pid 415)
          5,372K: drmserver (pid 392)
          4,531K: wpa_supplicant (pid 4019)
          4,214K: media.codec (pid 405)
          3,798K: netd (pid 243)
          3,426K: [email protected] (pid 257)
          3,423K: init (pid 1)
          3,359K: logd (pid 178)
          3,159K: media.metrics (pid 399)
          2,558K: [email protected] (pid 660)
          2,527K: adbd (pid 438)
          2,183K: apexd (pid 219)
          2,178K: usap32 (pid 690)
          2,170K: usap32 (pid 696)
          2,167K: usap32 (pid 691)
          2,165K: usap32 (pid 692)
          2,165K: usap32 (pid 695)
          2,089K: keystore (pid 396)
          2,080K: statsd (pid 401)
          2,057K: vold (pid 183)
          1,954K: [email protected] (pid 254)
          1,938K: ueventd (pid 170)
          1,915K: guiext-server (pid 389)
          1,757K: init (pid 163)
          1,669K: hwservicemanager (pid 180)
          1,588K: storaged (pid 402)
          1,549K: usap64 (pid 679)
          1,548K: usap64 (pid 676)
          1,548K: usap64 (pid 677)
          1,548K: usap64 (pid 678)
          1,544K: [email protected] (pid 202)
          1,506K: installd (pid 395)
          1,470K: init (pid 164)
          1,396K: [email protected] (pid 255)
          1,331K: gpuservice (pid 269)
          1,318K: wificond (pid 404)
          1,299K: mediadrmserver (pid 397)
          1,298K: [email protected] (pid 203)
          1,290K: incidentd (pid 394)
          1,290K: gatekeeperd (pid 419)
          1,200K: [email protected] (pid 253)
          1,107K: [email protected] (pid 251)
          1,102K: [email protected] (pid 262)
            973K: [email protected] (pid 252)
            948K: mdnsd (pid 467)
            924K: [email protected] (pid 250)
            916K: [email protected] (pid 260)
            895K: [email protected] (pid 248)
            893K: [email protected] (pid 263)
            880K: [email protected] (pid 258)
            865K: servicemanager (pid 179)
            839K: [email protected] (pid 259)
            836K: [email protected] (pid 261)
            804K: [email protected] (pid 247)
            784K: ip6tables-restore (pid 413)
            772K: iptables-restore (pid 412)
            769K: vndservicemanager (pid 181)
            767K: adb_root (pid 390)
            750K: sh (pid 385)
            734K: ashmemd (pid 267)
            733K: dumpsys (pid 4062)
            611K: kisd (pid 229)
            609K: lmkd (pid 270)
            570K: tombstoned (pid 420)
            560K: headsetd (pid 1124)
            537K: 6620_launcher (pid 266)
            507K: rpmb_svc (pid 230)
    207,642K: Persistent
        108,859K: system (pid 511)
         84,371K: com.android.systemui (pid 702)
          9,673K: com.android.networkstack (pid 805)
          4,739K: com.android.se (pid 1134)
    268,570K: Foreground
        174,346K: com.fullykiosk.emm (pid 1259 / activities)
         94,224K: com.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0 (pid 1599)
     27,694K: Visible
         20,377K: com.android.launcher3 (pid 994 / activities)
          7,317K: android.ext.services (pid 893)
      9,792K: Perceptible
          9,792K: com.android.inputmethod.latin (pid 939)
     68,404K: Cached
         11,310K: com.android.settings (pid 675)
         10,825K: com.android.deskclock (pid 1098)
          9,764K: android.process.media (pid 1163)
          8,425K: com.android.webview:webview_service (pid 1577)
          6,103K: com.android.traceur (pid 1481)
          6,101K: org.lineageos.lineageparts (pid 1235)
          5,868K: com.android.providers.calendar (pid 1457)
          5,495K: org.lineageos.updater (pid 1507)
          4,513K: com.android.keychain (pid 1694)

Total PSS by category:
    237,666K: Native
    141,709K: .so mmap
    106,287K: .apk mmap
    101,210K: Unknown
     93,152K: GL mtrack
     56,148K: EGL mtrack
     48,716K: .jar mmap
     42,518K: .art mmap
     37,678K: .dex mmap
     35,186K: Dalvik
     23,679K: .oat mmap
     18,002K: Other mmap
     13,270K: Stack
     12,806K: Dalvik Other
      2,236K: Ashmem
      1,069K: Other dev
        949K: .ttf mmap
          0K: Cursor
          0K: Gfx dev
          0K: Other mtrack

Total RAM: 1,406,048K (status normal)
 Free RAM:   338,184K (   68,404K cached pss +   235,836K cached kernel +    33,944K free)
 Used RAM: 1,130,793K (  903,877K used pss +   226,916K kernel)
 Lost RAM:   -62,933K
     ZRAM:         4K physical used for         0K in swap (1,042,244K total swap)
   Tuning: 256 (large 256), oom   322,560K, restore limit   107,520K

It seems like the surfaceflinger process is responsible. But I’m at a loss on how to debug further. It would be useful to know if others see the same behavior? I found graphing the output of FKB’s memory use over 24h a useful way to watch this.

Any ideas on what I could look at next?

are you installed LineageOs on FireHD10?
how did you do that?!

mine is 2021 version, I’d like to install a clean Android version

Hello together,

I would like to control my fully browser and I would like to do this via key & value.
But I do not find the available keys. Can somebody help me please to find them?!
Refer also to Fully Kiosk Browser - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io) “The configuration parameter key. The list of available keys can be found in the Fully Kiosk Browser remote admin panel by clicking the Show keys button.” but unfortunately I do not know where to look at :see_no_evil:

Many many thanks!

I wasn’t aware of this guidance about the ‘Show Keys’ button, and like you can’t find it in the device admin panel.

Assuming I’ve understood you correctly and you want to be using commands sent via the device’s REST API, I’ve always used this part of the FKB guidance to work out the individual keys.

How do you figured out the individual keys?

It is really frustrating… I see in the docu the following and do not know which keys are available…

You’re right, that is not helpful. But I think I found it.

Go to your device admin panel, and click on the hamburger menu top left:


Choose ‘Settings’:


Choose any setting category, e.g ‘Web Content Settings’:


Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and there is the fabled ‘Show Keys’ button:


Thanks for prmpting me to do this - I learnt something new today

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Ahh cool! How can I access the Fully Remote Admin? I access my Fully Devices only via local connection, they are not in the Cloud. I hope this works here as well… Many thanks!!

1 Like

Yeah, this is all local. I don’t subscribe to the FK Cloud thingy.

Go to HA Settings > Devices & Services. Then click on the Fully Kiosk integration:


From there, choose your device from the list:


You should have a link to the Admin Panel for the device (‘VISIT’):


Of course, this assumes you’ve enabled ‘Remote Admininistration (PLUS)’ in the FKB settings on the device itself, and have a paid licence, but I’m guessing you’re asking here because you’ve already done all that.

1 Like

Ahhhh, now finally!!! Many many thanks!!!
I wish you a really nice weekend!!! :kissing_heart:

1 Like

Not sure if anyone is having this issue, but for some reason, Fully is not staying in the foreground on an Amazon Fire Tablet 10. When I restart or manually set ‘Bring to forground’ it swiches back to the Amazon launcher after a few seconds. Thoughts?


I remember seeing a different version of FKB for Fire tablets. Maybe try using that one to see if it solves your problem.

I have 12 fire tablets throughout the house running the same version. This is the only one that seems to be putting the fire launcher in front of fkb. Thoughts?

its exactly 30 secs.
sounds like a setting, maybe screensaver or something alike.

You’re right, I do have the screensaver enabled and it’s set to use the Android Screen Saver (the clock in this case). Why would this cause the issue though? I have all other tablets set with the same screensaver setting without issues. I’ll try to disable to see if it fixes it.