Garage Roller Door Integration

Hello folks,

Just seeing if anyone in the UK has managed to automate their garage door. I have a roller door fitted by Garolla. It has a wireless remote control as well as the main control in the garage itself. The aim is know if the garage is open or closed and ability to remotely open/close it.

I would appreciate any advice.

The Way I did mine

watch Drzzs

mite be old but video but it works

I used a ztgbee door contact to let me know if door open of closed

One esp module with relay output and one or two reed relay contacts (one for closed, one for open position), connected to esp’s inputs.

Do you have this?

Yes, but i only have one reed relay for closed position, it’s enough for me. If it ain’t closed, it’s open… :slight_smile:
Output relay is connected to garage door opener’s internal wall pushbutton. Beside that i also have SHT sensor to show me garage temperature and humidity.
Esp module runs esphome FW.

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ok, thank you, I shall look into that then. If you get the chance I wouldn’t mind seeing a photo of the wiring. thank you :slight_smile:

I found THIS page where it’s pretty well explained how to connect. Just make sure when programming input that you will program pull-up for reed relay input, or you can also add an external pull-up resistor, say around 10kohm - from reed input to 3.3V (on github example from D1 to 3.3V, it’s not drawn there, i guess it uses programmed pull-up).

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I’ve just found this via google as I also have a Garolla door. Did you make any progress on this?

Also would something like an RF bridge work, or are the keyfobs not able to be cloned?

Yes, I have made progress on this. I’ve not yet implemented it yet though as it is my next project. Is your board the same as mine?

yes identical. what’s your plan?

Sonoff SV + reed switches + use the “external switch” jumpers?

are you on the home assistant discord by any chance?


I have settled on the SONOFF 4CHPROR3 WiFi Smart Switch and yes, the idea is to use the external switch jumpers on the garage board.

You also have a further option then of using the last channel to control the garage lights, however I have decided to go simple and use the flash lamp connectors on the board itself and wire in a light. I want to use the 4th channel to control my gazebo lights.

Yes, I am on discord :smiley:

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Ah so on the 4CHPROR3 you’re going to use a channel for up, and a channel for down? And how would the state detection work? whats your name in the HA discord? be good to have a chat in real time :slight_smile:

Sent you a message with my discord id.:+1:

sent you a message in discord :slight_smile:

Hi. I had the exact same idea with the same hardware.
I don’t have the house with Garolla before November so I’m just preparing.

What did you do for the state detection? That’s the blind spot on my plan if I reuse the sonoff 4CHPROR3 I already have.

I use an Aqara door sensor on the garage. This then lets me know what the state the door is in.

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Hi mate, any chance I can pick your brains about this also? Having the same door installed as we speak and want to get it hooked up. I have a EPS32 board laying about that I’m wondering if I can use instead of the sonoff/ Tasmota route (which I have no experience with)



I’m not experienced with Tasmota, but I would say it could be done but you may or may not need additional hardware such as relays etc. ESPHOME would also be an option but again you may need additional hardware etc.
I just went the simple route and purchased 4CHPROR3 as it is ready out of the box and has the dry contacts that you need for the garage door. It also allows me to run my garden lights of it as well, so two uses one box. It is also integrates with home assistant and my Google Home.


Thanks - any chance you could share your wiring diagram for using a 4CHPROR3?

Yes of course, i will take a couple of photos and post them for you. It is very simple :slight_smile: