Garbage reminder

I installed this Blueprint and set it up correctly… I can receive notifications correctly, however it doesn’t pass the sensor name into the message. It just shows "The following garbage will be picked up tomorrow: " I’ve tried adding all 4 sensors, and also confirmed the date format is the same in the Garbage Collection integration as it is in this blueprint ( %d-%b-%Y ).

As a quick test, I changed the Garbage Collection - Collection Days to all 7 days and re-ran it, but it still isn’t showing a sensor name in the push notification. I’m assuming this is a bug, but I just wanted to check if this is working for anyone else?

It uses the friendly_name of the sensors. Can you check under the list of entities if the sensors have a friendly_name under the attributes.

Thanks for replying. It does not. The only attributes I see are Next Date, Days, Last Collection, Last Updates and Holidays.

I’d be okay with manually setting a friendly_name in the blueprint config, if that’s an option, even if it doesn’t pull a friendly name from the actual sensor.

Maybe you can adjust the entity in the integrations page or via de entities option on the configuration page?

Unfortunately there aren’t any settings to change for the garbage collection sensors

I am experiencing the same issue also. So keen to follow or help out and test also.

I modified the blueprint provided above specifically for the HACS garbage collection addin as the above code was not working properly and kept sending empty notices. You can review/add the code from here: GarbageCollection.yaml (

This specific blueprint looks at all sensors generated by the Garbage Collection addin and checks for sensors with a “days until” value equal to what you define in the in the template and then sends out notification at the time specified, but only if there is actually values returned (hence fixing the issue of blank notifications. Hopefully this helps anyone leveraging that add in who had a similar issue with the original version of this blueprint.

Big thanks to @westenberg for the original code that made this update possible!

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Im getting 404 on your gist. Is it public?

It is, maybe that was a bad link, try this one, I can see it without being logged in.


Hi together,

I also forked @Tweak3D Blueprint again to work with “Waste Collection Schedule” from @mampfes:

Use this Blueprint:


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If anyone Uses the Recollect integration in the USA, i modified this to report the proper next Pickup Type.

Hi there, i hope someone can help me. I have several automations that won’t work and i tried to troubleshoot them. I think it is because of something wrong with the timing.

for example, i have two different blueprints imported to send me a notification when my garbage is picked-up. This are westenberg/garbage-reminder.yaml and idominiki/GarbageCollection.yaml.

Both will check the garbage entities and if there is 1 day before pick up they must sent a notification through telegram. If i do a test it works, but when the blueprints must send a message on a certain time i get Stopped because a condition failed.

I think it has something to do with an invalid strftime date format.
I one of the automations i can set the correct strftime, which is by default %Y-%m-%d, in the configuration yaml of the garbage addon it is also set to %Y-%m-%d.

But when i check the entities, i see several different time/date fields.
I get in the yaml status attributes: Sort_date: 20221101
In the status date: Tomorrow, 2022-10-21
And if i check the attributes of an entity in lovelace i get also Sort date: 20.221.021 (this one is strange, but can be default behavior).

Maybe someone else has have the same problem in the past en seems to solve it?

Hi there, i hope you can help mei can’t get your blueprint to work. If it run on the set time in the trace i see: Stopped because a condition failed at

I think it has something to do with an invalid strftime date format.
I one of the automations i can set the correct strftime, which is by default %Y-%m-%d, in the configuration yaml of the garbage addon it is also set to %Y-%m-%d.

But when i check the entities, i see several different time/date fields.
I get in the yaml status attributes: Sort_date: 20221101
In the status date: Tomorrow, 2022-10-21
And if i check the attributes of an entity in lovelace i get also Sort date: 20.221.021 (this one is strange, but can be default behavior).

Do you have any idea?

I had the similar issue. In my case I have garbage collection addon configured in a way that sensors for garbage types are not holding textual state with date but only integer value:

  • 2 - if next collection is in two days or more
  • 1 - if next collection is one day ahead
  • 0 - if collection is today.

What worked for me was to change blueprint code to fetch “next_date” attribute while building sensors_tomorrow array that is then checked by trigger condition.
Here is the modified blueprint code:

  name: Updated garbage reminder 
  domain: automation
      name: Reminder time
      description: At what time the day before do you want to be reminded
      default: '18:00:00'
        time: {}
      name: Day offset
      description: Amount of days to be added to the triggers date to check for sensor
        value matches. E.g. 1 to be notified the day before or 0 for notification
        on the garbage collection day.
      default: 1
      name: Date format
      description: Valid strftime date format. Default %Y-%m-%d
      default: '%Y-%m-%d'
      name: Reminder title
      description: Shown as title in the notification
      default: Garbage reminder
      name: Reminder message
      description: Accompanying text in the notification
      default: 'The following garbage will be picked up tomorrow: '
      name: Notifier
      description: Name of integration you prefer to use for notifications. E.g. notify.notify
      default: notify.notify
      name: Garbage sensor 1
      description: Sensor should be a date string formatted according to the date format input
      default: ''
          domain: sensor
      name: Garbage sensor 2
      description: Sensor should be a date string formatted according to the date format input
      default: ''
          domain: sensor
      name: Garbage sensor 3
      description: Sensor should be a date string formatted according to the date format input
      default: ''
          domain: sensor
      name: Garbage sensor 4
      description: Sensor should be a date string formatted according to the date format input
      default: ''
          domain: sensor

  garbage_sensor_1: !input 'garbage_sensor_1'
  garbage_sensor_2: !input 'garbage_sensor_2'
  garbage_sensor_3: !input 'garbage_sensor_3'
  garbage_sensor_4: !input 'garbage_sensor_4'
  reminder_title: !input 'reminder_title'
  reminder_message: !input 'reminder_message'
  day_offset: !input 'day_offset'
  date_format: !input 'date_format'
  sensors_tomorrow: '{{ [(state_attr(garbage_sensor_1, ''friendly_name''), state_attr(garbage_sensor_1, ''next_date'').strftime(date_format)), (state_attr(garbage_sensor_2, ''friendly_name''), state_attr(garbage_sensor_2, ''next_date'').strftime(date_format)), (state_attr(garbage_sensor_3, ''friendly_name''), state_attr(garbage_sensor_3, ''next_date'').strftime(date_format)), (state_attr(garbage_sensor_4, ''friendly_name''), state_attr(garbage_sensor_4, ''next_date'').strftime(date_format))] | selectattr(''1'', ''eq'', (now() + timedelta(days = day_offset | int)).strftime(date_format)) | join('', '',  attribute=0) }}'
  platform: time
  at: !input 'reminder_time'
  condition: template
  value_template: "{{ sensors_tomorrow != '' }}"
  service: !input 'notifier'
    title: '{{ reminder_title }}'
    message: '{{ reminder_message }}{{ ''\n'' }}{{ sensors_tomorrow }}'

I hope this helps anybody who encountered similar issue

I used all of the blueprints here but none of it is working. My setup is a google calendar with the entries for each garbage collection. With the HACS waste collection schedule I transfer these entries in 3 different sensor values - so 3 different types of waste. Based on this I wanted to get a notification each evening before at 6pm to have a reminder. Probably there is a more efficient way with the direct Google Calendar integration. Do you have an advice how to establish the reminder in the most efficient way?

I get this error for my reminders as I am using my google calendrer for my trash days reminder?

  garbage_sensor_1: calendar.garbage_day
  garbage_sensor_2: ''
  garbage_sensor_3: ''
  garbage_sensor_4: ''
  reminder_title: Garbage reminder, Take out the Trash
  reminder_message: 'The following garbage will be picked up tomorrow: '
  day_offset: 1
  date_format: '%Y-%m-%d'
  sensors_tomorrow: >-
    {{ [(state_attr(garbage_sensor_1, 'friendly_name'),
    states(garbage_sensor_1)), (state_attr(garbage_sensor_2, 'friendly_name'),
    states(garbage_sensor_2)), (state_attr(garbage_sensor_3, 'friendly_name'),
    states(garbage_sensor_3)), (state_attr(garbage_sensor_4, 'friendly_name'),
    states(garbage_sensor_4))] | selectattr('1', 'eq', (now() + timedelta(days =
    day_offset | int)).strftime(date_format)) | join(', ',  attribute=0) }}
  platform: time
  at: '21:00:00'
  condition: template
  value_template: '{{ sensors_tomorrow != '''' }}'
  service: notify.mobile_app_homeking
    title: '{{ reminder_title }}'
    message: '{{ reminder_message }}{{ sensors_tomorrow }}'
id: '1690572928061'
alias: Garbage reminder
description: ''
alias: Garbage reminder
description: ""
  path: westenberg/garbage-reminder.yaml
    reminder_title: Garbage reminder, Take out the Trash
    notifier: notify.mobile_app_homeking
    garbage_sensor_1: calendar.garbage_day
    reminder_time: "21:00:00"

Hi all, I can’t seem to get these blueprints working. Can someone help me find out what is going wrong? or is it an issue with newer Home Assistant?
If I try to type in the sensors_today variables, i can’t get it to display anything.
and in the blueprint of tweak3d trying to test that line i get attribute undefined.
So trying to build the sensors_today proves very challenging for me. Maybe I don’t understand the query language good enough.

All this functionality was replaced with the calendar integration years ago, so I doubt that this 3yo BP has been kept up.

I would look at something like this or do search for other similar in the forum:
Garbage Collection - recommendations for replacement of Bruxy integration - #11 by bschatzow.

Template Sensor Configuration for Calendar Events.

I think I am getting to understand why it isn’t working for me anymore.
The state of my sensors should be a date, but they aren’t the same for all sensors, and they aren’t what is expected in the blueprint.
The dateformat when further in the future as 7 days is “09-08-2024” this follows the %d-%m-%Y
But less then a week ahead it is like this: “Thursday, 01-08-2024”

So i guess this might be part of my problem, resulting in an empty array for the “Sensors_tomorrow”.
I’ll have to see if the ‘afvalbeheer’ HACS component has a setting for this to make it allways the same data format.

I do like the cards for a dashboard, so that’s why i am trying it this way and don’t go for completely changing it to the calendar in HA. Haven’t seen a good way of importing it there, but also haven’t searched very intensive either.

Thanks for this! The notification I was getting looked like

The following garbage will be picked up tomorrow: ['garbage', 'recycling']

I had to modify sensors_tomorrow so it would properly join the list by replacing

| join('', '',  attribute=0) 


| first | first | join(', ')