Gardena smart system + Home assistant?

Hello gentlemen

why I don’t have all the information in the card?


which integration to use to have these parameters shown

I have : GitHub - py-smart-gardena/hass-gardena-smart-system: Home Assistant custom component integration for Gardena Smart System

What card did you use? Help us to help you.


Link to card repo?

GitHub - Cavemanz/lovelace-gardena-mower-card: Simple card for Gardena Robotmower in Home Assistant’s Lovelace UI

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I have the same issue;

Thx for your help


can you help me with the integration. It works not at the moment.

It have installed the newest one: GitHub - py-smart-gardena/hass-gardena-smart-system: Home Assistant custom component integration for Gardena Smart System


thanks for your help!

best regards

Any ideas?

Hi Everyone. Has anyone managed to figure out whats happening here?
Have installed latest version, made developer account, when trying to connect am also getting the “unknown error occured” message. Also doesnt seem to matter what I use for redirection URL… can anyone assist? Cheers

Anyone havin a solution for this problem? Cant get this integration getting to work.
If tried all the metnioned solutions above. No chance. Always getting the same error.
Can anyone give a hint?

for people with problems: the integration with version is working.You can try to remove the integration completely and reinstall it.

Yet, to be honest, I’m not getting warm from this integration. The information is very limited: battery percentage (doesn’t work, it’s always showing 100%), send to base and stop. That’s it.
Husqvarna developer is offering more options, but none of them are used in this integration.

It would be very interesting to know in which zone the mower is currently mowing. So I could use: if mower is in zone 2 and nobody is home, go back to your base.

I’ve just checked the Husqvarna Developer Portal documentation for the gardena smart system API. I don’t see any information available there which is not already in the integration. I could not find any data regarding zones or GPS positions of the mower.

If you could point in the right direction maybe someone can implement it.

I had problems with this integration. Instead I managed to make a sensor to pull data from the Gardena API. More in this thread: Integration with Gardena Smart Sileno mowers, by using sensors

I think the right thing, if you have Nabu Casa is just to use your nabu casa url with /redirect/oauth on the end. I had no problems when doing that, and I tried just now, today with a fresh install.

Quick question for those that have Smart Water Control: can I control it directly from HA via the REST API or I really need the gateway? If anyone knows, what’s the protocol between the water control and the gateway? In the HASS repo there’s no info if GW is required. This is the only useful information that I found: 2019-10-28-GARDENA-ELCE2019.pdf (

Welcome to the forum.

You need a gateway to remotely control Gardena Smart Water Control.

Alternatively, you can control the Gardena valves with Shelly or ESPHome if you want to go that route. I like the Shelly option because timers can run locally.

Thank you for the warm welcome and prompt reply! Which exactly Shelly product can control it? As far as I understand the water control unit is using 868MHz and propriety protocol from Silicon Labs or I’m mistaken?
Many thanks in advance for your reply!

The Shelly 1 can be powered with 24V to control the gardena valves directly. This replaces the smart water control unit entirely.

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Thank you for the hints! Unfortunately it won’t work for my current situation because my garden is still hose based not in-ground and I’m going to use Gardena water distributor for multi-zone watering. Additionally I have a well pump (controlled by Shelly Plug S), so they have to play together. Anyway thank you for the advice!
I was hoping that somebody reverse engineered the communication between the gateway and the smart water control, there’s even official github, but it’s mostly for the Yocto rather than communication with SI4476 transmitter.

Hi all,

For those using the gardena mower card (or ‘my gardena card’, which is based on that), I’ve created an updated version that uses Lit (rather than Polymer, which was deprecated in Home Assistant recently).

You can find it here: GitHub - ehaffmans/lovelace-gardena-mower-card-lit: Simple card for Gardena Robotmower in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI

To use:

type: custom:my-gardena-card
entity: vacuum.entity
name: Mower Name
background: img/mower.png
buttons: true

Please note that the correct usage is ‘custom:my-gardena-card’, not ‘custom:gardena-mower-card’.

I hope this helps someone.