GE dimmers switches are not updating "off" status when used manually

I have 4 GE dimmer switches that don’t update their status if switched manually.

One doesn’t report status at all and I see nothing in the zwave log when I use the switch manually. It works fine if I control from the UI.

The other tree do write to the zwave log but the UI only updates to “On”, When I turn off the dimmer manually it doesn’t change status in the UI.

I tried the solution found in this thread but it doesn’t work.

    usb_path: /dev/zwave-stick
    network_key: !secret zwave_key
    polling_interval: 10000
        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: 2
        delay: 3

The fact that on status updates but off doesn’t has me stumped.

I also tried changing refresh_value: true which I see on some posts.

Nothing seems to fix the off status.

They are all model 12724 - Zwave plus and listed in the zwcfg_xxxxxxxx.xml file as 12724 3-Way Dimmer Switch but one is listed incorrectly as “45602 Lamp Dimmer Module” which is incorrect. This is NOT the one that isn’t working at all so the incorrect product name doesn’t seem to be hurting it.

Update: I found the problem with halogen. Even though I had named it halogen everywhere in the UI it was somehow named light.halogen_level in the system. So I then added the other two which mostly worked and have the three reporting with the devce_config fix.

The 4th, which doesn’t report at all when used manually isn’t fixed with this option. One thing I noticed is this node is not directly connected to my system. It is mesh connected through a GE zwave Switch. If reporting status over the mesh network doesn’t work then I don’t see the point in mesh so there must be a way to fix this also.

The switch which isn’t reporting status when turned on and off is the gree node in this network map.

I just added my first GE dimmer, same model, had the same issue. This also fixed my issue. If I use the switch manually, the UI is perfect, if I use the UI, it turns on, then while light is dimming on the switch flips back to off, waits a second, then goes back on. It does the same when turning it off. But it’s ending up in the correct state.

Seems like this needs to be some default behavior somewhere because this is a really common switch.