Generic MQTT scene state switch

This blueprint was inspired by the work of @troy on their Inovelli LZW31-SN Dimmer post. I liked that integration enough to modify the blueprint for the Zooz ZEN34 when I realized the configuration mappings were identical and the blueprint itself could remain very generalized.

I started using ZwaveJs2Mqtt which required a modification to the previously modified OpenZwaveMqtt blueprint. Thought others may appreciate having a one stop shop for the various scene selections without writing custom automations to intercept the events.

I suspect this blueprint would work with all MQTT devices but I’m using ZwaveJs2Mqtt and am requiring that all devices were configured with a nodeName and nodeLocation.


  • It’s not guaranteed that your switch has all of theses events. Please refer to any literature from the manufacturer for clues on what is/is-not capable
  • All configurations are optional, so you only need to wire up the events you care about
  • Have fun! Let me know of any suggestions/improvements/etc.
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