Geo Home Smart Meter integration

Had a look in the code for geohome custom component in github and I can see:

So looks like the data from geohome is updating at max every 2 mins.

I had the same issue and contacted Geo support in the end.
You need to email [email protected], explain that you bought WIFI module separately and send them a picture of the device info (under Setting in Trio), they need to allow your Trio to connect to their Cloud.

1 Like

Hi everone who has been having issues. Sorry - I was not getting any notifications about the posts here so was oblivious to it all. I’ll take a look through the issues list and see what I can do.


If you are getting an error while trying to get your username, make sure you are running the code in the HA terminal, rather than your Windows command prompt.
Also useful to remember shift + highlight to copy from the HA terminal.

FYI, the integration is now available via HACS, with fixes from various contributors (thanks all!). I am waiting for it to be added to the HACS default repositories, but for now you can add it as a custom repository at

This will fix the pound sign for you, and stop a few potential errors.

Most people seem to trip up on needing to ask customer service to enable their account for api access, so don’t forget to email e-mail [email protected] to ask them to enable your meter.

1 Like

Great news this will be on HACS

I found that there is another URL that you can pull to get more info about standing charge pricing etc which is “smets2-daily-data”.

I had a bit of a play with the original code posted here around access tokens etc and set the units for a bunch of sensors as well as availability markers etc.

I have a geo_together_sensor.yaml that now looks like this:

# Renew Access Token

  - platform: rest
    name: "Geo API Access Token"
    method: POST
    payload: '{ "identity" : "[id]", "password": "[password]" }'
    scan_interval: 3555
    value_template: >
            {% if value_json.accessToken is defined %}
                {{ "on" }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unavailable" }}
            {% endif %}    
      - accessToken

# Get System ID

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_api_access_token', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    name: Geo API Details
    unique_id: geo_api_details
    scan_interval: 3555
    value_template: >
            {% if value_json.systemRoles is defined %}
                {{ "on" }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unavailable" }}
            {% endif %}
      - systemRoles

# Pull Datasets

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_api_access_token', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
      '{% if states.sensor.geo_system_id.state is defined %}{{ states.sensor.geo_system_id.state }}{% else %}{% endif %}'
    name: Geo API Live Data
    unique_id: geo_api_live
    scan_interval: 60
    value_template: >
            {% if value_json.power is defined %}
                {{ "on" }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unavailable" }}
            {% endif %}
      - latestUtc
      - power
      - systemStatus

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_api_access_token', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
      '{% if states.sensor.geo_system_id.state is defined %}{{ states.sensor.geo_system_id.state }}{% else %}{% endif %}'
    name: Geo API Periodic Data
    unique_id: geo_api_periodic
    scan_interval: 600
    value_template: >
            {% if value_json.totalConsumptionList is defined %}
                {{ "on" }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unavailable" }}
            {% endif %}
      - latestUtc
      - totalConsumptionList
      - billToDateList
      - activeTariffList
      - currentCostsElec
      - currentCostsGas

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_api_access_token', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
      '{% if states.sensor.geo_system_id.state is defined %}{{ states.sensor.geo_system_id.state }}{% else %}{% endif %}'
    name: Geo API Daily Data
    unique_id: geo_api_daily
    scan_interval: 3555
    value_template: >
            {% if value_json.standingChargeList is defined %}
                {{ "on" }}
            {% else %}
                {{ "unavailable" }}
            {% endif %}
      - latestUtc
      - standingChargeList

Then I have a geo_together_template.yaml file that looks like this:

    - sensor:
# Detail Sensors - System ID
      - unique_id: geo_system_id
        name: 'Geo System ID'
        state: >
                state_attr('sensor.geo_api_details','systemRoles') | 
                map(attribute='systemId') | 
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_details.state }}

# Daily Sensors - Standing Charge
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_standing_charge
        name: 'Geo Electricity Standing Charge'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_daily_data','standingChargeList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='standingCharge') | 
                        first /100
                    ) | 
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_daily_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_daily_data','standingChargeList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"

      - unique_id: geo_gas_standing_charge
        name: 'Geo Gas Standing Charge'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_daily_data','standingChargeList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='standingCharge') | 
                        first /100
                    ) | 
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_daily_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_daily_data','standingChargeList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"

# Periodic Sensors - Total Usage

      - unique_id: geo_gas_total_consumption_m3
        name: 'Geo Gas Total Consumption m³'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','totalConsumptionList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='totalConsumption') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','totalConsumptionList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        unit_of_measurement: "m³"
        device_class: gas
        state_class: total_increasing
          last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
      - unique_id: geo_gas_total_consumption_kwh
        name: 'Geo Gas Total Consumption kWh'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','totalConsumptionList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='totalConsumption') | 
                    ) | 
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','totalConsumptionList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
          last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_total_consumption_kwh
        name: 'Geo Electricity Total Consumption kWh'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','totalConsumptionList') |
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') |
                        map(attribute='totalConsumption') |
                    ) |
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','totalConsumptionList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing        
            last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
# Periodic Sensors - Bill to Date
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_bill_to_date
        name: 'Geo Electricity Bill To Date'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','billToDateList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='billToDate') | 
                        first /100
                    ) | 
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','billToDateList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"

      - unique_id: geo_gas_bill_to_date
        name: 'Geo Gas Bill To Date'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','billToDateList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='billToDate') | 
                        first /100
                    ) | 
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','billToDateList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"

# Periodic Sensors - Tarrif
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_current_unit_price
        name: 'Geo Electricity Current Unit Price'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','activeTariffList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='activeTariffPrice') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','activeTariffList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
      - unique_id: geo_gas_current_unit_price
        name: 'Geo Gas Current Unit Price'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','activeTariffList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='activeTariffPrice') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state and
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','activeTariffList') | 
                        selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                        map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
# Periodic Sensors - Electricity Cost History
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_cost_today
        name: 'Geo Electricity Cost Today'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsElec') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'DAY') | 
                        map(attribute='costAmount') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_cost_this_week
        name: 'Geo Electricity Cost This Week'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsElec') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'WEEK') | 
                        map(attribute='costAmount') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_cost_this_month
        name: 'Geo Electricity Cost This Month'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsElec') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'MONTH') | 
                        map(attribute='costAmount') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
# Periodic Sensors - Electricity Consumption History
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_kwh_today
        name: 'Geo Electricity kWh Today'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsElec') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'DAY') | 
                        map(attribute='energyAmount') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_kwh_this_week
        name: 'Geo Electricity kWh This Week'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsElec') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'WEEK') | 
                        map(attribute='energyAmount') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_kwh_this_month
        name: 'Geo Electricity kWh This Month'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsElec') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'MONTH') | 
                        map(attribute='energyAmount') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
# Periodic Sensors - Gas Cost History
      - unique_id: geo_gas_cost_today
        name: 'Geo Gas Cost Today'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsGas') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'DAY') | 
                        map(attribute='costAmount') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
      - unique_id: geo_gas_cost_this_week
        name: 'Geo Gas Cost This Week'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsGas') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'WEEK') | 
                        map(attribute='costAmount') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
      - unique_id: geo_gas_cost_this_month
        name: 'Geo Gas Cost This Month'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsGas') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'MONTH') | 
                        map(attribute='costAmount') | 
                        first /100 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: monetary
        unit_of_measurement: "GBP"
# Periodic Sensors - Gas Consumption History
      - unique_id: geo_gas_kwh_today
        name: 'Geo Gas kWh Today'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsGas') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'DAY') | 
                        map(attribute='energyAmount') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      - unique_id: geo_gas_kwh_this_week
        name: 'Geo Gas kWh This Week'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsGas') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'WEEK') | 
                        map(attribute='energyAmount') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      - unique_id: geo_gas_kwh_this_month
        name: 'Geo Gas kWh This Month'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_periodic_data','currentCostsGas') | 
                        selectattr('duration', 'equalto', 'MONTH') | 
                        map(attribute='energyAmount') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_periodic_data.state }}
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
# Live Sensors - Current Usage
      - unique_id: geo_electricity_current_usage
        name: 'Geo Electricity Current Usage'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','power') | 
                        selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                        map(attribute='watts') | 
                    ) |
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state and
                    state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','power') | 
                    selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                    map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
      - unique_id: geo_gas_current_usage
        name: 'Geo Gas Current Usage'
        state: >
                        state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','power') |
                        selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') |
                        map(attribute='watts') | 
                        first /1000 
                    ) |
        availability: >
                states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state and
                    state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','power') | 
                    selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | 
                    map(attribute='valueAvailable') | 
                ) == true
        device_class: gas
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"
# Live Sensors - System Status
      - unique_id: geo_system_status_display
        name: 'Geo System Status Display'
        state: >
                    set display = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'DISPLAY') | 
                    map(attribute='statusType') | 
                    set display_error_code = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'DISPLAY') | 
                    map(attribute='systemErrorCode') | 
                {% if display is defined %}       
                    {{ display }} - {{ display_error_code }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ 'ASSUMED_OK' }}
                {% endif %}        
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state }}

      - unique_id: geo_system_status_zigbee
        name: 'Geo System Status Zigbee'
        state: >
                    set zigbee = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'ZIGBEE') | 
                    map(attribute='statusType') | 
                    set zigbee_error_code = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'ZIGBEE') | 
                    map(attribute='systemErrorCode') | 
                {% if zigbee is defined %}       
                    {{ zigbee }} - {{ zigbee_error_code }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ 'ASSUMED_OK' }}
                {% endif %}        
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state }}

      - unique_id: geo_system_status_electricity
        name: 'Geo System Status Electricity'
        state: >
                    set electricity = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                    map(attribute='statusType') | 
                    set electricity_error_code = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | 
                    map(attribute='systemErrorCode') | 
                {% if electricity is defined %}       
                    {{ electricity }} - {{ electricity_error_code }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ 'ASSUMED_OK' }}
                {% endif %}        
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state }}

      - unique_id: geo_system_status_gas
        name: 'Geo System Status Gas'
        state: >
                    set gas = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'GAS') | 
                    map(attribute='statusType') | 
                    set gas_error_code = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'GAS') | 
                    map(attribute='systemErrorCode') | 
                {% if gas is defined %}       
                    {{ gas }} - {{ gas_error_code }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ 'ASSUMED_OK' }}
                {% endif %}
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state }}

      - unique_id: geo_system_status_wifi
        name: 'Geo System Status WiFi'
        state: >
                    set wifi = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'WIFI') | 
                    map(attribute='statusType') | 
                    set wifi_error_code = (state_attr('sensor.geo_api_live_data','systemStatus') | 
                    selectattr('component', 'equalto', 'WIFI') | 
                    map(attribute='systemErrorCode') | 
                {% if wifi is defined %}       
                    {{ wifi }} - {{ wifi_error_code }}
                {% else %}
                    {{ 'ASSUMED_OK' }}
                {% endif %}
        availability: >
            {{ states.sensor.geo_api_live_data.state }}


The two files are placed in the respective configuration.sensor.enabled and configuration.template.enabled directories and are loaded with the following lines added to configuration.yaml:

sensor: !include_dir_merge_list configuration.sensor.enabled/

template: !include_dir_merge_list configuration.template.enabled/

@mmillmor could you add the sensors etc to your HACS integration?

The above gives me the following Electricity related entities:

Gas related entities:

Geo status entities:


Could you help me with adding these files to HA. Where do I add them please as I can’t find any

configuration.sensor.enabled and configuration.template.enabled directories

Many Thanks

Thanks for the suggestions @Keyman3. I have updated the integration to add those values.

@miniwilliams, you should use HACS to install the integration - that way you will stay updated with fixes and so on.

A note for everyone who is an existing user - I corrected the way I was recording money to use “GBP” instead of “£”. Your “statistics_meta” table will have the wrong values in it for unit_of_measurement and it. You should edit the database to change the value to GBP using the SQLite Web add-in if you want to preserve historic data

@mmillmor I have just removed my old stuff and updated to your HACS version. Any chance you could add the Gas m3 usage and wifi / zigbee status items too?

@Keyman3, I’ve just added the connectivity information.

The meter doesn’t give m3, so I haven’t added that. The conversion factor isn’t constant - it varies throughout the year, so I don’t want to just hard code a value.


I’ll use HACS now and hope for the best

Looks like he integration for gas into the HA energy dashboard still isnt working for me :frowning:

Has anyone got this working in their config? I know this is a HA bug not the integration

@mmillmor I believe the meter only provides m3 hence the “* 11.3627 / 1000” in line 161 of

Blimey, you are right. I had forgotten ever doing that. I’ll add the original m3 too

Thanks @mmillmor

As @Tommy8884 mentioned, with the code in HACS I can’t get the gas meter reading in kWh to come up as a viable source for the energy dashboard. I have gone back to my code above and that sensor does show up.

I can’t see that many different attributes, I wonder if it is to do with the last_reset date I have set in my template for that sensor?

It’s simply due to a bug introduced when Water was added. See Can't add Gas Consumption with device_class energy · Issue #14292 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

1 Like

The Gas m3 sensor is there now

Thanks @mmillmor

I’ve got the gas showing up in the energy dashboard after a quick manual edit of .storage/energy to flip it over to your sensor name. :+1:

He. Can you explain that please. What sensor name did you use and where did you do the edit.
