UK "smart" energy meters

Thanks for updating this and to all who have added to this. I need to find time to convert it into a proper integration.


After trying to update my setup recently, I’ve broken it and I can’t work out why. This is my current config.

  - platform: rest
    name: geo_accesstoken
    method: POST
    payload: '{ "identity" : "[email protected]", "password": "Kz7N%BXT3QcWN7" }'
    scan_interval: 3000
    value_template: "OK"
      - accessToken
  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_accesstoken', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    name: geo_energy_usage_live
    scan_interval: 30
    value_template: "OK"
      - power

  - platform: command_line
    command: >
      -H "Authorization: Bearer {{ state_attr('sensor.geo_accesstoken', 'accessToken') }}"
      -H "Accept: application/json" 
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    name: geo_energy_usage_total
    scan_interval: 600
    value_template: "OK"
      - totalConsumptionList

  - platform: filter
    name: "Home Electricity Import Meter Filtered"
    entity_id: sensor.home_electricity_import_meter
    - filter: outlier
      window_size: 60
      radius: 4.0
  - unique_id: geo_gas_usage_total
    name: 'Total Gas Used'
    state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_total','totalConsumptionList') | selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | map(attribute='totalConsumption') | first/1000*11.1868 }}"
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    device_class: 'gas'
    state_class: total_increasing
      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
  - unique_id:  geo_electricity_usage_total
    name: 'Total Electricity Used'
    state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_total','totalConsumptionList') | selectattr('commodityType', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | map(attribute='totalConsumption') | first }}"
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total_increasing
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
  - unique_id:  geo_gas_usage_live
    name: 'Live Gas Usage'
    state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_live','power') | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'GAS_ENERGY') | map(attribute='watts') | first }}"
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
  - unique_id:  geo_electricity_usage_live
    name: 'Live Electricity Usage'
    state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.geo_energy_usage_live','power') | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'ELECTRICITY') | map(attribute='watts') | first }}"
    device_class: energy
    state_class: total
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
    source: sensor.geo_electricity_usage_total
    source: sensor.geo_gas_usage_total

But in the energy dashobard, it’s not seeing the usage. Can anyone spot the mistake I’ve made?

Any idea when will the SMETS2 CAD be available?
Im finding that the data from the glow API integration is pretty unreliable - see gaps in data below - so would definitely prefer to get 10sec data via MQTT.
I dont need a new IHD though - existing geo trio 2 works OK.


Would really love to know the answer to the MQTT question myself. I currently have Tasmota running on a Wemos D1 mini with a PZEM monitoring the electricity usage, but no way to get the gas usage. Getting the Hildebrand CAD and having 10 second granular updates of gas and electricity would be great…

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I’ve recently had a Smets2 meter installed (with Bulb), and am using the Hildebrand integration. Seems to work fine.


I’ve made some updates to this to add extra sensors etc and posted the results over on this thread which is more GEO focused

Been using this for over a year simple and works a treat on my smart meter

works with zigbee2mqtt


When you say recently, how recently. Because didn’t Bulb went in Administration a year ago?

I ask because I was with Bulb and I have a been left with one of their IHD6 Smart Meters. Guide to that meter here:

I can’t get this device connected to Home Assistant. It appears to go via Smartthings but it doesn’t work. I contacted Samsung and they noted the following:

“Due to technical reasons, we’re not currently able to provide this data on the actual device card and this is what is stopping you being able to connect it to Home Assistant. We understand that it is something that is being worked on, but we don’t have any information as to when it might be available.”

I’m interested if anyone has found a work around?

Bulb are still operating normally (even since the announcement that Octopus have bought us). I had the same smart meter fitted by bulb about three months ago. You can get readings from it into HA using the “Hildebrand Glow” method and linking the IHD6 to your home wifi.

AIUI, the IHD collects stats from the smart meter using a closed-access Zigbee network. If connected to Wifi it will then phone the stats home to Bulb. Hildebrand Glow are a trusted partner and can connect to that information source and gather your power details, and an Integration in HA can then collect the stats from them.

The documentation was pretty clear and I don’t recall many issues setting it up - and as you can see, it’s still working away now. That might change after Octopus’ migration, but they have their own integrations so I imagine something similar will be available then. Good luck.

Integration available through HACS - GitHub - HandyHat/ha-hildebrandglow-dcc: Home Assistant integration for UK SMETS (Smart) meters pulling data from the DCC via the Hildebrand Glow API

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OMG it works I could kiss you haha

One quick question, as sensors I have:

Which one do you use for the Consumed Energy section within the energy dashboard?

I assumed today?


I got this all working well for the last 5 days or so. Then this morning everything seemed to become unavailable:

Have you had this before? I tried reloading the integration but the result is the same.

I do vaguely recall something similar happening, but by the time I looked at it, things had sorted themselves out.

Maybe check in the system logs, see if there are any errors that give a hint?

Oddly a full system restart appears to have fixed the issue :confused:

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Hi UK folks.
All the above info and solutions are great. But are n’t we all missing something?
This energy use data is OURS. It originates in our gas/electricity meters and is passed locally to our IHD.
We should not be needing to pull it from any 3rd party - DCC, Hildebrand Glow, Chameleon, etc.
It ought to be available to us directly (e.g. by a WiFi or Zigbee feed) from a local device (meter/IHD/etc.).
Should n’t we in UK be pressing our politicians and OFGEM for this right and insisting it was standard. In principle, the original Smart Metering Act etc, envisaged customers having exactly that. And promised us the ability to monitor our energy usage. But the government + the energy industry failed to implement that local data facility.


You can get the information directly, BUT you need to upgrade you IHD to device that allows this.
For 99% of consumers, the IHD provided gives them the ability to observe their energy usage, and monitor it.
The Gas/Electric meters that you refer to as ‘ours’ are in fact the property of your energy supplier, and they’ve chosen the cheapest product (I would say viable) to give those 99% of consumers the information they need. Whilst you could argue that adding WIFI to the IHD costs pence, over millions of customers that turns into ££ which affects their bottom line.
Personally I’ve been using smart metering since 2009, it’s only been in the last 5 years that I’ve decided to retrieve the information to process it. More recently moving to an capable IHD that does provide the information locally, and integrates easily into HA.
If you want to access the data locally, then grab one of these

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Octopus Energy has a ZigBee hub for collecting data you can sign up to the waitlist:

There’s already an integration for it. Does look like it pulls the data from Octopus servers though:

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I’ve had great success setting up a home assistant glow in esphome and just monitoring the led pulses from the meter, check it out here - GitHub - klaasnicolaas/home-assistant-glow: ⚡ The power of energy measurements in your house

Does this work independently of hildebrand glow app ? What happens if the app fails, no longer works.

Yup. The IHD chucks out MQTT directly on the local network.

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