I’m getting frustrated with my setup. I’ve spent a lot of time and money but I can’t get the automation to work how I imagined it. To add to the insult, what I’m trying to do is pretty simple: Motion detected > turn-on lights. Motion cleared> turn-off lights. My biggest challenge is the zigbee network, When it’s close to my controller (conbee 2), it works ok. But farther away, it doesn’t work or very laggy. I already put in around ikea smart plugs to serve as router around our house - but still, issue persist. Please help how to investigate and fix.
This is my setup:
- Zigbee controller: Conbee 2 dongle
- hardware: Kamrui mini PC
- Motion sensors: Aqara RTCGQ11LM
- Zigbee routers: TRETAKT IKEA smart plug
- Smart relay (to control lights): Shelly 1PM, 2PM
Btw, I’m confident that the automation logic is not the problem. It’s pretty simple and as mentioned, works when devices are close to Conbee 2 dongle.