Getting frustrated with my setup: Conbee 2 (deCONZ) > zigbee > Aqara motion sensors

I’m getting frustrated with my setup. I’ve spent a lot of time and money but I can’t get the automation to work how I imagined it. To add to the insult, what I’m trying to do is pretty simple: Motion detected > turn-on lights. Motion cleared> turn-off lights. My biggest challenge is the zigbee network, When it’s close to my controller (conbee 2), it works ok. But farther away, it doesn’t work or very laggy. I already put in around ikea smart plugs to serve as router around our house - but still, issue persist. Please help how to investigate and fix.

This is my setup:

  1. Zigbee controller: Conbee 2 dongle
  2. hardware: Kamrui mini PC
  3. Motion sensors: Aqara RTCGQ11LM
  4. Zigbee routers: TRETAKT IKEA smart plug
  5. Smart relay (to control lights): Shelly 1PM, 2PM

Btw, I’m confident that the automation logic is not the problem. It’s pretty simple and as mentioned, works when devices are close to Conbee 2 dongle.

Chances are, you either still don’t have enough routers or else your motion sensors are still connected directly to the coordinator.

Have a read here Zigbee network optimization: a how-to guide for avoiding radio frequency interference + adding Zigbee Router devices (repeaters/extenders) to get a stable Zigbee network mesh with best possible range and coverage by fully utilizing Zigbee mesh networking.

Also, Aqara sensors are known to be quite obstinate and don’t change routes by themselves. Try to unpair them from the coordinator and pair them via the closest Ikea plug manually.
You can do this in ZHA by going to the device page for your Ikea plug > 3 dots menu > Add devices under this device.