Giex smart water valve

Hello guys, i just got 3 of those devices and i bought the gateway as well, unfortunately the gateway is super bad, if i use the App you recommend Smart Live it does not work if the devices are more than 5 m away i tried using a sonoff Zigbee Dongle Plus E as repeater but it does not even work. so i wanted to find another way . I have those in the garden like 20, 30 m away and i don’t get signal for them and they are useless now. Is there another way to have those working ? no power there so i rely only on solar

Could any of you guys make a tutorial or something some docs on how to have those working ? as i have some trouble with them , i currently use the Smart Life but due to the bad gateway i want to change this to HA and have a repeater or something to extend the range, so far on ZHA does not work, i just see the device and no entity while i heard Z2mqtt has all and works

Does anyone knows if they do have some processing on board ? i mean for example i start the irrigation then the valve looses connection , then what happens ? it does stop once the target is reached or it keeps on running until they get new command from the HA ? as that would not be a good thing .


I hope the new firmware does solve some of the connection problems. But I fear the low distance range the next repeater will stay even with a better firmware. If you have their Wifi router you should be able to update the firmware now. Please tell us about the results. A solar powered repeater would be nice.
BTW the only DC powered device I’m aware of is a USB charger.

Bought a GX02 from AliExpress few weeks ago. I’m using zigbee2mqtt and it works well… when connected… Sadly the connection drops after a few hours and needs to be paired back every time.

Right now this device is not reliable.

well that is exactly my issue , only that unfortunately i cannot make zigbee2mqtt work at least not on my side and using homeassistant yellow , it keeps on crashing no matter what firmware i put and it fails. As well if i use their app i get same result, those go offline when you need them the most and what i’m worried is that if the controller looses connection when the system is ON and water if flowing and there is nothing local to stop it, then we end up flooding the yard and loosing a lot of water so that makes it not safe and not reliable. i guess the manufacturer should advertise the failsafes as well and the advantages of those. So far i have 3 of it and the gateway but unfortunately i need to go back to my old trusty standalone one as this one for the moment i cannot use it. I do hope that they will fix on HA side regarding the connection and on their side at least to let us know where do we stand.

For what it’s worth, I’ve had mine a couple of months now without any connectivity issues. But it does go through batteries with some regularity.

I wanted to let you know that I also experience the connectivity issues using zigbee2mqtt.
Some posts here indicated that it might be a ZHA specific issue but I cannot confirm this. I tried both ZHA and Z2M and both had the same issue.

I would love to learn how to install that firmware update.

Hi all,
I have the same problem of conectivity. I contacted the Giex support and they told me about the new firmware, but it can be only be updated through Smart Life app, so I ordered a Tuya hub to update it and check if that update solves the issues. If not, I will return the valve as it is useless.

I asked them to provide the posibility of updating it through zigbee2mqtt, but looks like this is banned in China and they can’t provide any support for it…

Do you know where to find step-by-step instructions on how to update firmware? do you have FW bin file ?

So far an upgrade is only possible via the Tuya Smart-life app. And you need the GX zigbee hub. They sent me one for free but I didn’t got it yet. Eventually there is a way to extract the firmware file from the app, I will try at least.

If the device is useless without an update, I will open case and maybe I can update the chip plugged directly into it. I will also ask support if they can send me the FW file. My experience is: if you buy devices from china, you’ll have to dig into them yourself. I am ready :slight_smile:
P.S. ZHA OTA Firmware Update / Upgrade
Seems we need only to find BIN file.

im sorry i have a _TZE200_a7sghmms GiEX QT06, only on off in ZHA, is there any way to add other entities? with ZHA

I finally managed to update the firmware with a Tuya Hub, and surprisingly the device is now working (just 24h testing) and the range is improved, I can connect it from 5m long.

The firmware version was upgraded from V1.0.9 to V1.0.13.

I will keep testing it few more days.

zha or zb2mqtt?

With zb2mqtt

Is it possible to store FW file some how ?

no idea… I just updated it with the Tuya Hub, I saw no option to store it in the app

I think 100% it must be stored in some temporary folders. To update directly from network is very bad idea :slight_smile:

I can’t find the file, either the temp folder… any idea where it can be stored?

If you have android, it is easier and you can just search for all files with the extension by the following template
The name of the template is just my guess.