GL-S200 and Matter over Thread

So I managed to get my GL-S200 Thread border router to run under my HA instance to replace the multipan issues since the skyconnect is now in dedicated zigbee mode.

I can’t for the life of me figure out at this time why HA is not wanting to add it but it has been paired and showing up on the GL-S200, it just keeps failing at Add Matter Device.

I am trying to repair my P2 sensors to start using them again through this setup.



I have restarted the phone, cleared the credentials and resynced them to allow me to get to the point where I am and factory reset the sensors each time just to sanity check them, quite baffled at the moment.

I am using an android phone with the latest companion app build and I have tried both direct via add device through the matter integration and via the popup that comes up when the device is in pairing mode then selecting via another app and selecting HA with scan and manual code input.

Edit: after restarting everything multiple times then doing a cold restart of my HA VM instance I was able to have it be added.

Took a bit of finagling with this to get it to play nice even after following the steps as per:

I’m also having problems with the GLS200.
What is your network configuration ? Is your HA connected to your GLS200 via LAN or WAN ?

I have my GLS200 setup with the ip of with its pool set to 1.1 - 251 (I can’t go higher than this as it limits the range to what the device itself is set to but my main network gear is 53 and 54 anyways, which is inside the main ip range of my main network).

I have it then just connected via lan port (have the wan setup as lan as well for trying to get it to register internet connection but its not seeing the wan connection coming from my main router).

For the settings on the thread network I have this:

I copied the panid, extended pan etc from the preferred network information when you click the i for more info. Took a bit to work out since I needed to delete the old network after I set the new preferred and to have the name stick etc.

OK thank. So what mode is your GLS200 in? (Admin Panel > THREAD MESH > Advanced > Backbone Router > Backbone Interface).
I’ve tried two methods listed on Work with Home Assistant - GL.iNet IoT Docs

  • Firstly, my HA was connected directly to my GLS200 via LAN and I selected “br-lan”. I managed to set up the thread and matter on HA. When I added a matter device with the application, the border router thread was detected, the device was added to the thread network, but it was impossible to add the device to matter. And I saw that the GLS200 documentation states: If your Home Assistant Host is on GL-S200’s LAN side(no matter wired or wireless), select “br-lan”, click apply to take effect.
    so I decided to connect my HA to WAN

  • Secondly, I connected my GLS200 in wifi and my HA in cable to a second router. I selected “wlan-sta0” and opened port 8081 TCP/UDP on the GLS200 as indicated in the documentation. I’ve managed to set thread and matter on my HA, but when I want to add a matter device with the application, it can’t find the border router…

br-lan, pretty much all settings are stock other than the changes to copy the thread network details in and the IP changes so that its inside the ip range for the main network.

I also have the REST api opened 8081 and am able to read what is posted via the MQTT messages but still need to work out how to use BT devices through it later when I have more that use it.

OK thank. And what is the mode of your GLS200 ? Router, access point, extender ?

Router mode, I mainly just changed the wifi ssid and passpharse from default then shut it off. I am also on FW v4.1.5-0400 which is the latest release as of this reply still.

I tried again but I still have the same problem.
If my HA and GLS200 are connected to my main network, the application on my phone doesn’t see the border router.

Make sure to do a full restart of the HA install once you have the GLS200 connected to it to refresh the connection between them then you can add the devices.

I had to shut off then restart the HA instance I have on my nuc to get it to connect the p2 door and window sensors.

Also don’t forget to update the credentials saved on the companion app.

I have this
But matter doesn’t work: “Unable to add Accessory”

Make sure as well that IPv6 is enabled in your network and that you are using only the companion app to connect the devices when pairing them once the 200 is added as the main border router.

My IPv6 is enable, but I still have “Thread border router required”.
I think it comes from the IOS app.