After months enjoying GA and resyncing devices after I added new one it stopped working about a week ago… at least that is when I added some new lights and GA told me there was a problem with syncing my devices.
I checked the developers console and rerun gaction… enabled test again… but no result
So last Friday I unlinked in the G-Home app and treid to link again…
This results in a wild looping page with the error msg “Account Linking Failed” and nothing happens…
I even created a new project in the developers console and tested it again but also that doesn’t work
in the topic Setting up Google Actions for Assistant there are a few more reports with the same problem … there is a suggestion that it still works with and iPhone but lucky me I don’t have one…
Any one any tips how to get it working again? Are there others who have the same issues?
I believe it is a Google problem as th eproblem seems to be further spread than only HASS. Others reporting the same issues with trying to enable other services ie non HASS.
Also did some digging on the HASS side and basically the homeassistant.components.google_assistant.auth works correctly as it shows “user login in from Google Assistant” in the info debug. So HASS does accept the loggon via Google Home app.
homeassistant.components.google_assistant.auth generates an URL which basically fails with the msg Account Linking Failed.
The URL looks like:[PROJECT-ID]#access_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN FROM CONFIGURATION]&token_type=bearer&state=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
(I removed some info from the link so don’t be surprised the link doesn’t work)
Putting the link into a browser will bring up the page with Account Linking Failed…
So from what I can tell nothing has been changed recently on the HASS side… the link seems valid and I got this problem running with 0.58 (now running 0.62.1)
Thanks for the work around but I am one of the unlucky ones that doesn’t work for. But it does act differently I get a redirected to app null message then looks like it works but when I go back I get the login failed. Oh well back to the drawing board.
Funny I rebooted my phone now I get a message that says account now linked but it actually doesn’t and then I get the failed.
I was having the same issue with my phone (Stock Android 8.1) but I noticed that my roommate’s phone (Custom ROM Android 7.1.1) was able to link just fine. I grabbed an old Android phone (Stock Android 6.0) that I had laying around and it linked fine on the first try.
If you have access to a device running a custom ROM or an older OS it might be worth a try.
For me step 7 fails with a blank page, With access_token topen_type and state. If I try to open the same link on my computer I get “Account linking failed”.
Tried on an iPhone.
Edit: After two days of trying and failing I borrowed my girlfriends phone and it worked right away.
I have tried my lg g4, my wifes lg g5, a orginal nexus 7, a rooted galaxy s3 and all give the account linking failed message. We just got a new ipad at work so guess I will try and steal that next.
Will try tonight, I also just tried an new ipad and iphone 5 and both won’t link but I cant see the error, I assume this is because apple handles the browser windows differently then android.
update nope it didnt work on the ipad app either (although it gave me a different error, it said “something went wrong try again”, vs android which said “couldnt connect check ur connection”.