Google Assistant- Home Assistant "connection" is unreliable (Looking for some help with how to troubleshoot)

Hello all,

Could someone that is knowledgeable in the subject connection help me determine if there is anyway to make this connection more reliable.

How do I determine if it is the ddns service causing the issue or something else between home assistant- google home?

I currently use duckdns with nginx proxy.

Essentially whats happening is I’ll get random “home assistant not responding” when asking google to do something. Maybe 5 minutes later, I’ll ask the same thing and it’ll work fine. It’s definitely kind of annoying.

Of course, like everyone, my goal is to be a cheapo and hopefully not spend any money.

Thank you all for any advice, direction you all can give me. It will be very much appreciated!!

A lot of users have problems with the reliability of duckdns in the past month.

Maybe switch to another solution? I switch to a cloudfrared tunnel

Thank you for the link and suggestion. I will look into that solution also.

Have the same issue with google assistent and random when is working or not. Did you came up with something I can try as well? change DuckDNS?

Hey :slight_smile:
I have the exact same issue with google assistant and duckdns. I just switched my config to using nginx in order to enable local fulfillement for google assistant.

This is mostly working (90% of queries to google assistant are now working compared to 10% in the last days). And the speed also seems faster.

While investigating the remainig issues I have found in the google assistant logs that the error observed by google assistant when trying to reach my home assistant instance is:

externalDebugString: “Error querying agent backend. State: URL_TIMEOUT, reason: TIMEOUT_DNSLOOKUP”

This error is pointing directly to a timeout while doing the dns lookup.
I found this website to test dns resolution: DNS Lookup tool, Reverse DNS lookup tool -

I was shocked to see that my url in is failing to be resolved on multiple duckdns servers. This explains the timeout observed by google assistant.

I am looking to alternatives to duckdns as this issue is lasting since several days now.

yes me too, this thread also blame duckDNS for the problems.

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