Google Assistant is not working - Google Home is

Not using NC. Also, I did try to start using local fulfillment. After following the docs, everything appeared to be working but it was still using the external url. I left it thinking I would dig deeper at a later time. I came back that night and the voice assistants were not working. I reverted all my changes on the google actions site and reset one of my google minis. Still broken. What does a 405 indicate?

before 2022 release , i had both of the working, the NC edition for live , the local integration for testing code… Since 2022 release i wasnt able to link the app anymore, the auth part succeeded, but the linking failed

Seems that url gave me a 404 => GA component wasnt loaded, seems since 2022 NC with local component together doesnt work anymore, so now i disabled the NC edition, and gave me back a 405 => thats good, so the API is loaded

btw, the local fullfillment, the .JS file is wrong, you need an update version, and also “local support query” must be turned on …
I was also testing this, and i too had yesterday and today, when activating lights=> GA is not avaible… after updating the new JS file and enabling that tickbox, it works perfect now, also local fullfilment

i have setup internal + external url
internal , is my http://… , external is my https://duckdns one
So nginx is needed

see here fot the updated docs + js file

This sounds promising, thanks. I will report back later as I will not be able to test till later tonight.

Any chance you can post your app.js file. I am not good at GitHub. I navigated to it and understand remove red add green but things don’t look that easy on this one.

Here it is

Don’t forget to enable the checkbox “enable local query” , it was not in original docs

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i was able to remote in and looks like it is working. thank you.

I had a similar issue lately. For me Home app and Assistant devices could sometimes connect to Home Assistant but mostly not.

I just updated to the latest HA core 2022.2.5 and os 7.4 and everything seems to work fine.

I am home and confirmed the minis are working as expected. I have yet to be able to confirm they are working locally though. Still working on figuring that out. Also, if you add a parameter to the mDNS section titled name and add:


It seems to clear up some of the errors in the chrome inspect console.

Does anyone else have an issue where the first attempt to use a google voice assistant results in a 5-10 second pause before it carries out the action. Any subsequent attempts go very quickly. Then if I wait a few minutes, back to the 5-10 second pause after the request.

Yes, I had that issue a few weeks ago, now it’s fine

So the hesitation stopped because of local fulfillment or something else?

yesteday it was working perfect, today no more local fullfillment
deleted the .JS file, had a few times like “home assistant it not avaible” , waited a few min
now i hope its working again, without local fullfillment

no idea whats wrong :frowning:

How are you confirming that it is working locally?

see here :

Yea. I have never seen any indication of local in hass. The google cloud logs used to indicate it was not using local. I no longer have logs in google cloud. Also, tailing my nginx access.log used to show a google call and no longer does.

its verry difficult to setup ; sometimes it works, but doesnt work anymore after restart HA

so all of your comments are aimed at local fulfillment?
what does that mean exactly? running the google assistant sdk local in your own network?

i might be trying to setup this aswell when it gives me back the ability to talk with my assistant :smiley:

yes, all commands are local, it should even work without internet then

So not 100% sure actually how but I appear to have local fulfillment setup and working. I have updated HAss, rebooted routers, restarted HAss and all commands appear to stay working locally. The latency on the first request is still much higher than any subsequent requests but much better than it was. While there is no glaring updates to the situation in 2022.2.6, it appears to make my devices show up quicker in chrome://inspect/#devices.

First attempt:

executionType: "PARTNER_LOCAL"
latencyMsec: "1412"
requestId: "11980453168682887402"

Second attempt:

executionType: "PARTNER_LOCAL"
latencyMsec: "357"
requestId: "16685391677075324708"

What app version .ja file did you use?

The one you posted