Google Assistant Issues

I haven’t seen any issues with the sync. Only thing is that you can only sync for 30 days before you need to restart testing in the simulator again. But if you don’t need to resync, the test seems to work for months.

There was also a time a few months ago where you couldn’t start the testing in the GUI and had to use gactions in a shell - but really very little issues in 18 months for me.

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That makes sense. I was sick of doing it every month (since I have been making a lot of changes to my config) so figured the small HA Cloud fee was worth the time and effort, plus it allowed me to close the open router port

So after the debacle with Googla Assistant and possibly Duckdns the last few days, I decided to point a spare domain I own to my Home Assistant server.

With DNS changes etc, I set this up yesterday and went forward setting it up today and got SSL from LetsEncrypt etc - name registrar is Namecheap and I built a custom Caddy so I can use DNS validation with that. For some reason, it took 30 minutes per domain for DNS Propagation and the issue of certificates and while that was happening, I couldn’t access HA via duckdns but my regular IP address was working. (I use Caddy as a reverse proxy).

Good news is I now have my domain and 11 sub-domains with SSL all working.

But now Google seems to be fixed and working reliably again, I wasn’t going to switch everything but… meh… switched. All good.

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Anyone else having an issue with the google assistant service now? I’m getting the same error as OP in the test->simulator section on google actions and went to unlink/re-link and now I no longer see my [test] duckdns account in google home to re-add so I’m stuck without google home integration until these errors go away?

Is the test enabled?

I had to re follow the Google Assistant setup instructions when I broke mine a few months back

I actually registered a new domain 2 days ago for HA use and I just edited the domain in 3 places in Google Actions and testing was automatically enabled with a new draft and it just worked straight away and hasn’t missed a beat. I even set up the reverse proxy to use a different port number. The GS integration seems pretty solid to me so if it’s not working, running through the setup again is good advice.

I’m also having issues with sync, was working fine for a year now, google actions returns, we’re sorry something went wrong. Tried disabling and reenabling testing but no luck. Previously set devices work without a problem but some new ones I added last night, google tells me the device hasn’t been set up yet. I can control everything fine from the UI of hassio. Anybody found a solution to this or specifically what the problem could be?

Same here, did you manage to work around it somehow?

My problems have been when it says and “Unknown error has occurred” I can’t seem to figure out exactly what that error is and instead have to resort to the method of “last changed” and then dig in from there.

One thing you could do is comment out everything in your Google Assistant configuration.

For example in my Configuration.yaml I reference my Google Config in a separate file.

google_assistant: !include google_assistant.yaml

Then in my Google config you can comment out everything and then step through each suspect device re-enabling and then trying sync again until you identify the device. If there is a better way I would love to know, but that’s how I’ve been doing it.

Review the devices you added most recently, exclude those and see if it syncs, if so then you know where to start.

I basically had to recreate a new one following the full guide… It was annoying but working now.

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Thank you for the reply - I had to do the same :S

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I’m having no issues with GA responding to voice control, but I noticed a few days ago that I’m unable to re-enable my test project in the GA console (and thus unable to sync my devices). Seems like there’s two possible solutions described here. Point GA to a non-DuckDNS domain, and/or re-create the GA project from scratch + re-link it to HA. Were you seeing the “We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.” in GA’s console simulator in both cases?

I was - I’m not sure what went wrong but I basically created a new project in google console, enabled homegraph API, created the new linked project in google assistant console (this is important or you won’t be able to resync devices), then changed config.yaml inputs, rebooted, and added to google assistant.

A bit of a pain but done. My google console is an absolute mess though with google calendar, maps, assistant integrations I wish they could just all reference one API.

I didn’t want to create a new project because I have so many routines that would’ve had to be re-created…

Fortunately, I found that entering ‘sync my devices’ directly into the Actions Console Simulator leads to a successful sync. Still get the “We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.” response, but it definitely goes through!

Can you step through what you had to do to get it to Sync… Looking for something temporary.

Also has anyone used namecheap to host their domain ?

I have. I switched to a Namecheap domain I have recently from duckdns.

Oh gosh, so many questions. I’m using hassio, I’m assuming your using a subdomain on namecheap? Are you using the namecheap plugin? Are you using letsencrypt for the SSL or something else?

Not a sub domain but a top level domain. I am using it with LetsEncrypt. I use the Caddy addon for with DNS validation. I also have a bunch of sub-domains with letsencrypt SSL certificates for each as well.

What issues are you having? I did have an issue where it took 30 minutes to generate the certificate because the TTL was set to 30 mins. Changed to 1 minute and it was fine for the rest of my subdomains.

I have the exact same error in the test simulator at Google. Whats more is that my Google integration is rather unreliable. We usually have to repeat commands, 1-2 times before Google actually executes the command. We usually get the error “it looks like home assistant unavailable right now”. Every single time I try to access HA directly through my web browser it works perfectly. I have a fiberoptic connection here in my house and everything is connected directly to the fiber box. No low end routers or anything like that.

I’m using duckdns as well as some of you. I’ve been having these issues for almost a year now. Thought it was about time to do something about it.

Would be awesome if some of you could respond back who’ve managed to fix this and what you did to fix it.

Sorry for bumping an old thread but this one was the most recent with the same issue.