Google Assistant Issues

Did you get it sorted out? I’m having the exact same problem. 7 out of 10 it will say the home assistant app is not available. But accessing it through the browser is no problem.

I have had issues with google assistant responding not able to reach HA for a very long time, and after a couple of tries it works, and then short after the same problem. I also had problems with the native app not being able to reach HA when connecting from outside of my network. I had to try several times.

It seems that the built in firewall and the ddos protection in my router (asus merlin) was the cause.

I have not had any problems since disabling fw/ddos.

I see this below. I have no “api” folder at all!

20-11-22 06:53:13 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call

I use Duck DNS and I am having this same super annoying issue. It is happening so often now it is not even worth trying to use voice commands half the time. It is easier to get up and press the switch.

Same symptoms others mentioned:

  1. log shows this randomly: ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Error on call

  2. Have to say voice commands to google assistant a random number of times before the command is executed, failed attempts elicit this response “Sorry I couldnt reach the [test app].”

I use DDNS, I use Adguard, I rebuilt my Hassio from scratch to try to fix this but it is worse now. I use Node Red, and I thought it was seizing up my HomeAssistant. I did NOT setup the manual network configuration file on the raspberry pi after the fresh install.

My Google Cast addon is broken since I reinstalled but only when it is called thru Node Red. It works in my YAML based automations.

Another problem I get is that a motion sensor I have in NodeRed fails to trigger the lights sometimes, with aprox the same frequency that the voice commands do not work.

Are there enough clues here for someone to diagnose the issue?

So if I find a free domain somewhere else I can use let’s encrypt for the SSL free, and the Caddy addon to fix this issue?