Google Assistant Setup Issue - "Could not update the setting. Please check your connection"

Activate xxxxxxx but I use routines so I don’t have to do that…

ok, so you can make a routine, so you dont need to say the word activate?

Correct. Just the one word

ok, too bad :frowning:
since routines is not yet available for our language :frowning:

Hey everybody,

I haven’t been following your recent conversation, but I experienced the same issue. I was able to fix it doing the following:
As I recently switched my internet provider, I was now able to reach my Home Assistant instance via ipv4 and not only ipv6. But I forgot to add the port forwarding rule. Nevertheless, my dynDNS provider already listed my domain as reachable via ipv4.
When I tried to connect to my simulated test app in Google Home, I was able to enter my password, but the account linking failed and google gave me the above mentioned error message.
For the fix, I simply enabled the ipv4 port forwarding for my Home Assistant instance.

Hope this helps someone

yes, but thats another setup, this thread is about a issue on Google side, not a HA misconfiguration

there are more causes for the “linking failed” issue :slight_smile:
this times for this specific setup about rooms , its google faults, and nothing we can do about it, just wait

So no routines… Why not use an input_boolean an an automation triggered by the input_boolean that runs the script or scene…

Google Assistant works with them…

Hey, after the recent blackout generated by google fullfillment I restored the link but I noticed that I can’t sync rooms.

I’m the only one with this issue?

yes, i now use a template switch, the on / off command also runs a script

i expose the template switches now to google, like the one below
but i want to go away from switches and back to script / scenes direcly to Google, if the issues isnt resolved fast

     value_template: "false"
       - service: script.volume_up
       - service: script.volume_down

no, you are not the only one :slight_smile:

Ok, thank you for your quick response. I will add devices to room using Google Home app then. It will be a looooooong night!

@DavidFW1960 , what i actually do now, since we cant use Routines here
saying to google like “volume on” doesnt make sense, i want to say “Volume Up”
so i created 2 switches, i expose them to google as “volume up” and “volume down”
to turn ON a switch, you dont need to say the ON word, only to turn OFF a switch , you need to say the OFF word
so i create 2 switches, but i never actually use the turn_off command
so now i can say, hey google , volume up :slight_smile:

     value_template: "false"
       - service: script.volume_up
       - service: script.volume_down   
     value_template: "false"
       - service: script.volume_down
       - service: script.volume_up

Same problem i unlink then relink in [test] my test app error occur “Couldn’t update the settings. Check your connection”
Any help! Thanks in advance!

Is your 30 days over? Then you need to disable / enable simulator testing

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no, i link last night, today i unlink, then relink it error.
I’ve disable / enable simulator testing but " Couldn’t …"

Came here for the same issue
I switched out my sd card and updated to .90 checked this morning to find my home weren’t connected to HA
Unlinked and tried relinking and nothing

I did go to the google console and disable and enable the test app

Can you try the nabucasa edition? You can start a trial…
I am using since a month, no problem with linking anymore… I also had the issues before, that I was unable to link, last week…
The official app doesn’t give link issues…
Only disadvantage is that the spoken feedback is sometimes a bit slower

I found that the official nabucasa version exposed all my HA
How do you limit it?

yes, works different, you need to expose the entities you want, there is no expose by default: false

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I’ve looked at

Sorry but what do you mean the response is slow?